Single-molecule electron spin resonance by means of atomic force ...
2023年12月7日 · Here we demonstrate pump–probe ESR atomic force microscopy (AFM) detection of electron spin transitions between non-equilibrium triplet states of individual pentacene molecules. Spectra of these...
Generation, manipulation and characterization of molecules …
2017年1月11日 · Using atomic manipulation, one can dissociate, form and rearrange bonds, as well as alter the conformation or charge state of molecules. The molecular structures of reactants, intermediates and...
Quantitative assessment of intermolecular interactions by atomic …
2018年4月9日 · To explore in more detail the sensitivity of the rigid CuOx tip to hydrogen bonds in AFM experiments, we studied the prototypical model system 3,4,9,10-perylene-tetracarboxylic-dianhydride...
GitHub - Probe-Particle/ppafm: Classical force field model for ...
Simple and efficient simulation software for high-resolution atomic force microscopy (HR-AFM) and other scanning probe microscopy (SPM) techniques with sub-molecular resolution (STM, IETS, TERS). It simulates the deflection of the probe particle attached to the tip, where the probe particle represents a flexible tip apex (typically CO molecule ...
Noncontact atomic force microscopy: Bond imaging and beyond
2020年11月1日 · This dream was finally accomplished by the state-of-the-art noncontact atomic force microscopy (NC-AFM) equipped with qPlus force sensors and carbon monoxide (CO) functionalized tips. The resolved interconnectivity between atoms and molecules in NC-AFM frequency shift images is interpreted as chemical bonding, providing essential knowledge of ...
a AFM image, b SEM image, and c EDX analysis of the PTCDA thin …
Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) absorption spectroscopy for the PFB-PCBM film of optimal thickness (180 nm) are carried out to understand the effect of...
温度对ptcda结构形貌影响的raman和afm分析 raman spectra and afm …
2015年4月26日 · 采用Raman光谱,AFM分别研究了衬底温度对于PTCDA分子结构和表面形貌的影响,进而完善了p—Si基PTCDA薄膜的生长机制。
温度对ptcda结构形貌影响的raman和afm分析 - 道客巴巴
2015年8月7日 · 采用Ram an光谱,AFM 分别研究了衬底温度对于PTCD A分子结构和表面形貌的影响,进而完善了p—Si 基PTCD A薄膜的生长机制。 关键词:PTCDA/p—Si ;Ram an光谱;AFM ;衬底温度中图分类号:TN 304;0484.4文章编号:1001—9731 ( 2007) 04一0540—02要:通过真空蒸发将PTCD A淀积在p—Si ( 100)文献标识码:A1引言有机半导体在光电子器件方面有很大的应用前景。 ... .助锨材料2007年第4期 ( 38) 卷温度对PTCD A结构形貌 …
温度对PTCDA结构形貌影响的Raman和AFM分析 - 百度文库
温度对PTCDA结构形貌影响的Raman和AFM分析-通过真空蒸发将PTCDA淀积在p-Si (100)面。 采用Raman光谱,AFM分别研究了衬底温度对于PTCDA分子结构和表面形貌的影响,进而完善了p—Si基PTCDA薄膜的生长机制。
PTCDA/P-Si表面随温度变化的AFM研究 - jmonline.org
AFM analysis for the temperature- dependent surface morphology of PTCDA/P - Si heterjunction. 利用AFM研究了在不同衬底温度及蒸发条件下制备的有机半导体材料PTCDA在P-Si (100)形成的薄膜讨论了其表面形貌及岛状晶核分布与生长温度之间的机理. 张福甲,王德明,张德江,甘润今,刘凤敏.Si基有机异质结势垒特性的研究 [J].半导体光电,2000 (03):182-185. 张福甲,王德明.PTCDA/p-Si异质结势垒的形成及电流传输机理分析 [J].甘肃科学学报,2000 (01):1-5.