PTCL (File Format) - Zenith
2022年6月1日 · PTCL is the binary serialization format for nw::eft (NintendoWare EFT Library) particle effect resources. It has gone through several revisions across games. Known versions are: 0x0B (New Super Mario Bros. 2), 0x28 (New Super Mario Bros. U), 0x41 (Mario Kart 8) and 0x42 (Super Mario Maker and later)
File research for Tears of the Kingdom - GitHub
File research for Tears of the Kingdom. Contribute to TotkMods/Research development by creating an account on GitHub.
PTCL - ZeldaMods (Breath of the Wild)
PTCL (a.k.a EFTB / VFXB) files define certain graphical effects of objects such as emissions, particles, and shaders. They use the .esetlist extension, but differ between platforms in what structures it uses for different types of data, aside for ESTA and PRMA, which are the same [ …
Switch Toolbox - GameBrew
Switch-Toolbox is a tool to edit many formats of Nintendo Switch, 3DS and Wii U (experimental). Models, materials, and textures. Can view options, samplers, attributes, and uniform blocks. Can extract shader vertex and fragment shaders from variations/programs. Basic preview of some shader program data.
KillzXGaming/Switch-Toolbox - GitHub
Can preview effect tables and link PTCL. Can preview NTWU, NTP3, and NTWD variants. Editing will be implemented soon. Very basic previewing. Can listen to audio and convert between certain formats. Thanks to VGAudio and CSCore. https://github.com/KillzXGaming/Switch-Toolbox/wiki. https://github.com/KillzXGaming/Switch-Toolbox/issues.
PTCL Color Editor [Super Smash Bros. (Wii U)] [Modding Tools]
PTCL Color Editor - A Modding Tool for Super Smash Bros. (Wii U).
How to edit PTCL in MK8U [Mario Kart 8] [Tutorials] - GameBanana
How to edit PTCL in MK8U - A Tutorial for Mario Kart 8. Mario Kart 8 Tutorials Creation How to edit PTCL in MK8U. Overview. Updates. Admin. Ownership Requests. Permits . Withhold. Tickets. Todos. 2. Likes. 0. Subscribers. 0. Collections. Embed. Thankers. Report A Mario Kart 8 (MK8) Tutorial in the Creation category, submitted by BluGoku ...
Add more editing tools for .PTCL files? #482 - GitHub
2022年5月12日 · Could it be possible to have more various editing tools for .PTCL files? such as a way to choose which textures is used in a particles and maybe even add a way to add, remove and replace particles? It would be greatly appreciated since i...
2022年7月14日 · 再生龙(clonezilla)是一个常用的 Linux 系统备份工具,适用于多个版本、多种CPU架构的电脑。 再生龙生成的镜像是比较特殊的格式,如果想要从里面提取文件,通常只能进行镜像恢复后进入系统提取。 但是往往我们没有那么多硬盘来恢复系统,有没有办法直接从镜像中提取需要的文件呢? 再生龙的原理简单来说就是把 硬盘分区 使用partclone工具打包成img文件,然后使用gzip进行分卷压缩。 我们只需要逆向操作,利用工具把镜像解包挂载,就可以得到原分 …
Editing .efc and .ptcl files - GameBanana
A Super Smash Bros. (Wii U) (SSB4U) Forum Thread in the Help category, submitted by Mr.Kisuke
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