PTM-3 mine - Wikipedia
The PTM-3 (Russian: ПТМ-3: П ротиво Т анковая М ина-3) is a Soviet scatterable self-liquidating shaped charge anti-tank mine. [1][2] The mine's case is made up of a stamped steel body with notches in its side. The notches allow the mine to produce a shaped charge effect on five sides - 4 on the sides, and one on the end face. [3] .
Ptm 3 landmine - CAT-UXO
This is the Russian PTM-3 (ПТМ-3), a High-Explosive (HE), scatterable, MAGNETIC (MAG) influenced, Anti-Vehicle (AV), landmine that uses its Misnay-Schardin (MS) linear Shaped …
PTM-3 Russian Anti-Tank Mine - United States Army
The PTM-3 is a Soviet scatterable anti-tank mine that can be deployed either by hand, vehicle, artillery, or helicopter. The mine's case is configured to produce a shaped charge effect on five...
Meet ‘Johnny,’ A Special Fuze That Helps Ukraine’s ... - Forbes
2024年1月6日 · According to CIT, the munition-of-choice for drone minelaying is the Soviet-vintage PTM-3 anti-tank mine, which features an unusual boxy shape and four pounds of explosives.
PTM-3 : Russia / Soviet Union (RUS / SOV) - armedconflicts.com
2024年12月28日 · The Russian PTM-3 mine (ПТМ-3), is a high explosive (HE), scatterable, magnetically (MAG) influenced, anti-missile (AV) mine that uses the linear Misnay-Schardin (MS) effect with shape charge (SC) against armored targets and has a self-destruct (SD) function.
便携式热电参数测试仪(PTM-3) - JouleYacht
便携式泽贝克系数测试仪 PTM-3 是一款测试热电材料Seebeck系数(常温)的专业仪器。 该仪器可用于快速测试薄膜、块体、纤维等不同形态热电材料的Seebeck系数,为热电材料的科学研究及产业效率的提升提供更专业、便携的新选择。
反坦克地雷能当炮弹发射吗? - 知乎
2023年6月11日 · ptm-1/3/4反坦克地雷,为苏联开始研制生产的反载具地雷,又被称之为俄式扫地机器人,地雷上搭载压感起爆器和磁传感器,能够对包括坦克、步战车和装甲输送车在内的多款装甲载具做出反应,ptm-3型地雷搭载的两公斤的tnt足够将坦克装甲车的行走系统炸坏 ...
PTM-3 mine | Military Wiki | Fandom
The PTM-3 is a Russian scatterable anti-tank mine that can be deployed either by hand, vehicle or helicopter. The mine's case is configured to produce a shaped charge effect on five sides. Once deployed the mine arms itself after sixty seconds. The …
2021年2月27日 · PTM-3地雷爆炸冲击气流可以穿透10厘米厚的装甲。
Munition, mine, PTM-3 - Fenix Insight
The PTM-3 (ПТМ-3) is a Soviet-era-developed, Russian Federation, metal-cased, full-width, anti-tank shaped charge (ATSC) mine, which can be dispensed (scattered), or manually-emplaced. The PTM-3 was developed initially for use with the KPTM-3 (КПTМ-3) canister dispenser device, but would also be dispensed by other means (see 'Carrier ...