About PTM - GL Support
The Progress Test in Maths (PTM) is an attainment test that reflects current approaches to the assessment of Mathematics. Each test assesses key aspects of Maths appropriate to the age of the students, including Mental Maths for students aged 8-14.
Progress Test in Maths PTM - GL Education
Track student attainment and progress in maths. The Progress Test in Maths (PTM) assessment enables you to accurately measure how your school and your students are performing – student by student, class by class and year by year.
Progress Test in Maths - GL Assessment
The Progress Test in Maths provides practical, reliable and independent snapshots in maths attainment, which can be used to baseline and then to measure in year or year-on-year progress. Reports are set against national averages so you can reliably compare your results with those of students across the country.
Choosing a test type and level - GL Support
PTM is currently available as a digital test for levels 7-15 for both Form A and Form B, as well as Level 11T for Form A. The digital format is taken on our Testwise platform and all instructions and questions are fully incorporated into the digital test.
The different kinds of scores offered by the PTE and PTM include: Standard Age score (SAS), Lexile measure, Stanine, National Percentile Rank, Group Rank, Raw Score and estimated National Curriculum Reading and Writing Levels.
Frequently Asked Questions - GL Support
What does the Progress Test in Maths (PTM) do? PTM measures students’ mathematical skills and knowledge in areas such as number, shape, data handling and algebra, as well as their mathematical reasoning and problem solving.
城市绿洲家长必收藏!GL Assessment的PT测试报告怎么看?
PT 系列测试(The Progress Test Series)是GL Assessment开发的测试产品,在超过100,000 名英国学生的样本基础上进行了标准化,每年都会根据学生的成绩进行分析验证, 因此提供了一个成绩衡量标准,可以显示每个学生的学术能力是否达到、低于或高于预期水平。
PTM PRACTICE 8th - 10th Grade Quiz | Quizizz
PTM PRACTICE quiz for 8th grade students. Find other quizzes for Mathematics and more on Quizizz for free!
The use of PTE, PTM and CAT4 to support pupil ... - GL Assessment
PTE assesses a pupil’s reading and writing ability, while PTM assesses a pupil’s mathematical skills and concepts. Both are suitable for children from age 6 years. The age range that the assessments cover enable schools to gauge children’s performance and progress from their first days in primary school so that a solid baseline can be established.
【蓝牙】小院闲聊#02#——蓝牙测试之DTM和PTM - 知乎
顾名思义 DTM:Direct Test Mode,直接测试模式; PTM:Production Test Mode,产线测试模式; 蓝牙核心规格仅支持DTM模式。 由于DTM模式支持的协议栈仅开发到HCI接口层,不包含和应用相关的部分,所以测试用的固…