2016年4月28日 · pto模型是指在客户订购该物料时,其物料清单可列出其可选用的子件物料,即在销售管理系统中可以按客户要求订购不同的产品配置。 望采纳 已赞过 已踩过
What Does PTO Mean? - U.S. News
2022年6月17日 · In recent decades, however, more companies have adopted the paid time off model, or PTO. Here's what to know about it and how to navigate the PTO model if your employer offers it. What Is...
取力器 - 百度百科
取力器(Power Take Off,缩写PTO),就是一组或多组变速齿轮,又称功率输出器,一般是由齿轮箱、离合器、控制器组合而成,与变速箱低档齿轮或副箱输出轴连接,将动力输出至外部工作装置,如举升泵等。
ATO模型与PTO模型的对比区别 - 用友U8+ - 用友之家-用友软件论坛
2019年10月25日 · ATO模型与PTO模型的区别在于,ATO模型需选配后下达生产订单组装完成再出货,PTO模型则按选配子件直接出货。 按订单出货,销售散件,不组装产品,但一定是一整套! 模型:在其物料清单中可列出其可选配的子件物料。 本系统中,模型可以是ATO或者为PTO。 ATO、PTO加模型MRP运算时可以用到! • 语义模型中如何使用if公式? • 好会计跟T+专属云功能有什么区别? • 在报表平台-语义模型-语义脚本(标准SQL)怎么引入参数? • 【语义模型-全 …
the efficiency and performance you need - Chelsea PTO
The PTO features include mechanical shift, powershift, constant engaged shift options, overspeed controls and flanges for direct or remote mounting of hydraulic pumps, blowers, water pumps, product pumps and generators.
Difference Between MTS, ATO, MTO ,PTO ,CTO and ETO. - Blogger
2013年6月3日 · Assemble to Order (ATO) and Pick to Order (PTO) are stocking strategies that are used by manufacturers, when they can produce a variety of finished products from a relatively small number of subassemblies and components. This stocking strategy is widely known as the “hourglass” strategy, where you maintain your inventory at the narrowest ...
各位大侠讨论一下ATO与PTO的区别吧 - Oracle ERP - ITPUB论坛- …
2004年12月16日 · 在销售系统中按客户要求订购不同的产品配置(ATO或PTO)。 按订单挑库(PTO:Pick-to-order)。 ATO的设置相对PTO麻烦些,记得之前有个讨论的贴子,有兴趣的可以找找。 ATO MODEL:是一个非最终确定的装配件,也就是要在客户订单明确后才能定的配件,它参与装配,如电脑硬盘.硬盘是参与整机装配的,但客户可能需要指定硬盘大小. 有些概念不太清楚,请大侠们举实例讨论一下吧。 ATO model, ATO item,PTO model,PTO item,PTO model with …
Find Wholesale pto modell To Ensure Amazing Performance
Browse through our impressive and diversified collections of truck transmissions from wholesale providers on Alibaba.com and find the ideal safe and tested pto modell.
Musings by Dr Aarti: Understanding ATO and PTO Models
2013年8月5日 · In Oracle there are 3 different type of Models which can be created. 1. ATO Models - (Assemble to Order) 2. PTO Models - (Pick to Order) 3. Hybrid Models - These are the PTO Models which have ATO models as Child. Before you start creating any of the above Models following criteria must be understood. 1.
Police Department, the Police Training Officer (PTO) Program was designed to be a community oriented, problem-based alternative to the traditional Field Training Officer (FTO) Model.” “The PTO program is primarily focused on trainee learning. It incorporates adult learning styles,
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