Manipulating topological transformations of polar structures through ...
2019年10月25日 · We designed and grew PTO/STO multilayer films on a SrRuO 3 /DyScO 3 substrate. PTO (n) /STO (10) multilayers with n = 1–21 (the gradient of thickness is around 2 unit cells) were grown by...
Creating polar antivortex in PbTiO3/SrTiO3 superlattice - Nature
2021年4月6日 · The successful creation of previously unrealized atomic-scale vortex–antivortex pair in PTO/STO superlattices expands the reaches of topological structures and completes an important missing ...
Absence of critical thickness for polar skyrmions with ... - Nature
2023年6月8日 · These results suggest that we have obtained high-quality PTO/STO superlattices, which is important for the further revealing of the characters of possible polar skyrmions.
Topological data analysis assisted machine learning for polar ...
2025年1月1日 · Herein, we employ the PbTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 (PTO/STO) superlattice as the model system and simulate the polar topologies under different epitaxial strains and electric fields through high throughput phase-field simulations.
Structural and electronic properties of superlattices from first ...
2010年10月5日 · The interfacial structure, stability, electric polarization, and electronic properties for PbTiO 3 / SrTiO 3 (PTO/STO) superlattice are studied by first-principles calculations.
Room temperature electrocaloric effect in PTO/STO superlattice …
2024年9月15日 · As domain transition has been demonstrated as a powerful tool for tailoring the location and value of ATC, the versatile polar topologies discovered in the PbTiO 3 /SrTiO 3 (PTO/STO) ferroelectric superlattice offer a fruitful playground for …
2020年7月28日 · pto/sto超晶格中的通量闭合畴结构 在外电场下(图2),通过畴壁的移动实现了通量闭合核的横向移动,极化方向与外电场一致的 c 畴逐渐变大,而极化方向与外电场方向相反的 c 畴逐渐减小至消失,伴随着180°畴壁和通量闭合核的消失,形成中间态的 a / c 畴结构 ...
Strain effects on stability of topological ferroelectric polar ...
2023年8月4日 · Existing studies are mostly focused on the dependence of topological polar distributions and properties of PTO/STO superlattice on its periodicity. Here, we study the strain effect on the topological phase transitions and ferroelectric domain structures employing phase-field simulations.
Engineering polar vortex from topologically trivial domain architecture
2021年7月30日 · The ADF-STEM imaging shows relatively sharp and coherent interfaces between PTO and STO, which is also confirmed by the atomically resolved energy dispersive spectrometry (EDS) mapping in ...
应变对 (PbTiO3)n/ (SrTiO3)n 超晶格拓扑铁电极性 ... - X-MOL
现有的研究主要集中在PTO/STO超晶格的拓扑极性分布和性质对其周期性的依赖性上。 在这里,我们采用相场模拟研究应变对拓扑相变和铁电畴结构的影响。 我们总结了各向同性应变(沿 x 方向的面内失配应变等于沿 y 方向的面内失配应变)周期性相图,显示了不同极性拓扑状态的稳定区域,包括正常铁电孪晶、涡旋、斯格明子及其混合物漩涡和双胞胎。 我们还分析了各向异性面内应变(沿 x 方向的面内失配应变不等于沿 y 方向的面内失配应变)下的偏振构型,并证明应变各 …
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