PTR 9CT: Initial Cleaning, Break-In. After Action Review...
2023年8月2日 · KCI (PTR-provided OEM magazines) POF ($29.95 from RTG Parts LLC) Here's a list of cleaning supplies used during the break-in period: Hoppe's No. 9 Gun Bore Cleaner; Bulk cotton gun cleaning patches (generic) Hoppe's 9 Bore Snake Pistol Cleaner (.357, 9mm, .380, .38 caliber) Here are the results: Shot 1: KCI Magazine 1; Winchester WB 9mm NATO 124gr
Got my PTR 9CT. Here's a quick review. - AR15.COM
2018年6月22日 · PTR also has a great reputation for making quality stuff. I was seriously considering the Scorpion EVO and could have almost bought 2 for what the 9CT cost, but I really wanted the classic MP5 look. By the time I was done putting a brace on the Scorpion, upgrading the trigger, safety, and charging handle, etc, it was within a few hundred dollars.
My initial PTR 9CT Review - HKPRO Forums
2021年7月25日 · The rear pin hole wasn't close to lining up. I had purchased a pinned/welded housing. I had to remove some material to the rear of the pin location to allow the SEF housing to properly mount. A little fiddling and fitting and it goes on nicely, but snug, now. I used the 9mm ejector from the PTR trigger pack, and the selector that came with the PTR.
Retrodog's PTR 9CT as a Sear Host Review | HKPRO Forums
2018年10月28日 · Well I picked up a PTR 9CT at a local show today (Pasadena TX. Yes, the free Pasadena). It was $1550 (cash or check) but did not come with the SB tactical brace. I felt I could get away without the brace for now since I planned on using it as a sear host and can use any of my stocks on it with...
PTR 9 CT...what to do with it? > Heckler & Koch > AR15.COM
2021年9月2日 · Wouldn’t function in either of my PTR 9mm guns or a friends Zenith. ETS mags are junk. Only buy HK mags and if you end up getting an HK later you’ll never regret buying extra factory mags. Pick up a Knight's RAS before they go out of stock for a few years. Attached File I tried a MRO on both but the front site was too distracting on the KT ...
PTR 9CT vs. HK SP5 questions - AR15.COM
2020年12月10日 · Nearly $1200 is a whole other gun or two. The PTR ran like a champ, though I only put about 300 rounds through it and none were suppressed. There are some negative reviews/QC issues out there, but the general consensus is their customer service is pretty solid. If you go the PTR route, you'll be getting a well made, solid clone.
PTR 9CT - HKPRO Forums
2018年6月8日 · I began reading about the new PTR 9 CT. American made, auto sear ready (if you can afford the $25K they are getting out of those)... and the 9ct version is threaded for a suppressor. The important thing, they're available and in stock. Atlantic Firearms is distributing this and is doing a package deal with arm brace at this time.
New PTR-9CT - HKPRO Forums
2020年1月4日 · I just bought a New PTR-9CT from Atlantic Firearms. It's a beautiful weapon! However, I discovered that the barrel end thread pitch is NOT as advertised. I'm not sure what it is, but it's not 1/2 x 28. I tried to thread on my CUBE onto it and didn't even get half a revolution. This is stock. I...
PTR 9CT ran full auto - HKPRO Forums
2022年9月22日 · Went to range today and took my PTR 9CT I run it with a Octane 9 can. No other mods... Loaded 10 rounds into a HK mag to let my best bud try it out First round didnt fire. Racked in 2nd round Hand it back to buddy He squeezes trigger and 5 rounds purr out of it full auto. Sounded great ...
Difference between PTR 9C vs 9CT? - AR15.COM
2020年11月3日 · I have a PTR 9CT with a Silencerco Omega 9K with the Tri Lig adapter. Fits perfect, no issues whatsoever with the factory thread protector. Posted: 11/4/2020 5:10:58 PM EDT