Rumored PTR MP5K clone is called the 9KT. Finding out...
2006年7月29日 · I didn't like the rail on the PTR until I put a red dot on it, now it's one of the things I like about it. Saved me over $120, looks cleaner and lower then the clamp on mounts and I …
PTR 9KT Review... So Far | HKPRO Forums
2019年2月21日 · My PTR 9C definitely had spoiled me, it was putting holes in the bullseye at 25yds straight out of the box. As far as ammo, I ended up with 2 FTE with the Speer ammo …
My MP5K build, the tale of 2 Receiver Flats - HKPRO Forums
2022年12月18日 · Currently there's two companies that manufacture MP5K clone flats, SW (Special Weapons) and LSC Manufacturing now owned by PTR. there are arguments out …
PTR-9KT Review (yet another) | HKPRO Forums
2019年3月6日 · Overall, I think PTR has a winner on their hands. The nearly $1800 price point, plus tax and transfer, is a narrow band of gun enthusiasts, however. Once one adds a $200 …
PTR MP5K bolt gap .035 after Lock piece change | HKPRO Forums
2021年9月17日 · So I own an PTR MP5K clone. And I wanted to start shooting it suppressed. So I ordered the RCM 80 degree locking piece. And of course it would not fit the PTR bolt. So I …
Optic Advice for MP5K: MRO vs. 510c (Thread turned into...
2019年10月10日 · I recently purchased a PTR 9kt, which I am completely in love with- I can see why you guys get addicted to these. Anyways, I am in the market for an optic for my mp5k, I …
Rumored PTR MP5K clone is called the 9KT. Finding out...
2019年1月9日 · HKPRO INFORMATIONAL FORUMS. HK CLONE TALK. Rumored PTR MP5K clone is called the 9KT. Finding out about this outside of HKPro!
MP5SD, MP5, MP5K - PTR 9KT, TPM MP5SD Barreled...
2021年7月20日 · PTR 9KT 2021 With around 150 rounds through it. Great condition Comes with all original factory parts, hard case, 2 magazines, tool, sling. Asking $1500. (I also have MP5K …
PTR MP5k | Page 3 | HKPRO Forums
2016年8月17日 · PTR MP5k. Jump to Latest HKPRO is a forum community dedicated to Heckler and Koch enthusiasts. Come join ...
PTR vs HK extractor - HKPRO Forums
2021年7月28日 · The description says that it will work with "all HK MP5, HK94, MP5K, SP89 & SP5K or other 9mm clones." However, in comparing it to my SP5 extractor, the upper right …