UNIDOS Tango and UNIDOS Romeo Reference Class Electrometers | PTW
The UNIDOS Tango and UNIDOS Romeo Reference Class Electrometers by PTW set new standards in radiation dose measurement. With advanced features like a capacitive touchscreen, intelligent detector recognition, and multiple connectivity options, these electrometers ensure precise, reliable, and efficient dosimetry for clinical and research ...
As a reference class electrometer that exceeds IEC 60731 performance requirements, UNIDOS Romeo provides fast, reliable and highly accurate dose measurements in any situation.
Electrometers | PTW - ptwdosimetry.com
Discover PTW’s electrometers for precise radiation therapy dosimetry, offering high accuracy and reliability for all your measurement needs.
UNIDOS Tango&Romeo-放射疗法_PTW
作为超出IEC 60731性能要求的参考级剂量计,UNIDOS Romeo可以在任何情况下提供快速,可靠和高精度的剂量测量。 凭借其出色的稳定性,低噪声和广泛的测量范围,它非常适合寻求独立式而又不会影响精度和性能的剂量计用户。
UNIDOS® Tango & Romeo - DocsLib
The built-in 2D code scanner reads the code and multiple electrometers and different detectors in use. automatically enters all detector-specific information into the detector database of your UNIDOS Tango. All in one code. Identify detector. Each PTW detector suitable for reference dosimetry comes Ready to perform a measurement?
UNIDOS Tango 和UNIDOS Romeo 用於顯示偵檢器的測量 值。可以由UNIDOS Tango 和UNIDOS Romeo 顯示的測量量是電荷[Q]、對水 的吸收劑量[D. w]、空氣比釋動能[K. a]、暴露[J. s]、光子劑量當量[H. x]、環境劑量 當量[H *(10)]、空氣比釋動能強度[S. k]以及相應的時間導數(電流、劑量率 ...
UNIDOS Romeo标准参考级剂量计_上海纳优仪器仪表有限公司
作为超出IEC 60731性能要求的参考级剂量计,UNIDOS Romeo可以在任何情况下提供快速,可靠和高精度的剂量测量。凭借其出色的稳定性,低噪声和广泛的测量范围,它非常适合寻求独立式而又不会影响精度和性能的剂量计用户。
放疗剂量仪(UNIDOS Romeo)—深圳市一测医疗测试技术有限公 …
UNIDOS Romeo具有参考级别的剂量计。 可以在任何情况下提供快速,可靠和高精度的剂量测量。 凭借其出色的稳定性,低噪声和广泛的应用于放疗科室剂量的验证。
Unidose Romeo Standard Reference Class Electrometer
As a reference class electrometer that exceeds IEC 60731 performance requirements, UNIDOS Romeo provides fast, reliable and highly accurate dose measurements in any situation. With its exceptional stability, low noise and wide measurement range, it is perfect for users who look for a standalone, easy-to-operate electrometer without compromising ...
class PTW Farmer chamber (30013) is the perfect detector for reference dose measurements in water or solid-state phantoms, which require the highest level of accuracy to ensure safe patient treatments. The PTW Farmer chamber (30013) is clinically proven, well- } characterized in all major dosimetry protocol procedures,
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