通用放射劑量器,用以測量放射療法及放射診斷之劑量及劑量率。本產品之區域等級治療�. 射劑量器依照IEC 60731指令以及診斷放射劑量器依照IEC 61. 員須有適當操作及有游離腔和其他放射偵測器之相關�. 術背景。此外操作人員應能判斷量測結果是否為不正確的數值。操作人員須�. 如何根據放射品質及能量來校正各項數值,以量測到正確的�. �. 。因此操. 警訊 危�. 在可能發生爆炸風險的場所及富氧環�. 下操作設備。 爆炸危險! 請勿在有爆炸風險的場所使用本產品�. 劑等產 …
Triax Extension Cables - Radiation Products Design, Inc.
Triax Extension Cables BNC Male, BNC Female, PTW Type M, TNC Male / Female, TNC Female / Male, TNC Male / Male, TNC Female / Female. Phone: 800-497-2071 or 763-497-2071 Fax: 763-497-2295 Email: [email protected]. Order by Phone, Fax, or email - no online ordering. Radiation Products Design, Inc.
microDiamond | PTW - ptwdosimetry.com
Discover the PTW microDiamond, the world's first commercially available single crystal diamond detector (SCDD) designed for precise and accurate small field dosimetry in radiation therapy. Ideal for photon, electron, and proton fields, it offers excellent radiation hardness and minimal energy, temperature, and directional dependence.
Item 323-323 is able to modify the BNC-F Triax Cable to the TNC-F/M Wellhofer, Capintec and Nuclear Electrometer. Electrometer. The Dust Caps with chains prevent dirt and dust from accumulating in the connectors. Dust and dirt accumulations will cause high leakage currents.
當需要更換原始ptw電源線時,請確保選擇適合該設備電流消耗的新電源 線。 將產品與不合適的偵檢器一起使用。會有觸電危險! 僅使用與電量計的連接系統(m. 系統、tnc系統或bnt系統)相容的偵檢器。只
配备控制单元和双通道静电计:步进电机控制单元和快速双道剂量计,TNC插头。 电源115/230V,50~60Hz,含电源电缆和RS232连接电缆。 2通道静电计;静电计分辨率:≤10 fA;满刻度量程:5pA~100nA;重复性:根据IEC60731规定≤±0.5%;零漂移: 根据IEC60731规定≤±10 fA;非线性:根据IEC60731规定≤±0.5%;长期稳定性:根据IEC60731规定 ≤±0.5%;测量电路时间常数:≤ 10ms;极化电压可调节范围:≥ ±400V,50V为一进阶;可使用探测器:电 …
ptw设计、开发、制造和销售高质量的剂量测量和质量控制设备, 主要用于医疗领域,特别是放射治疗、诊断放射学和核医学。 机械、电子和软件组件的设计和生产都是公司自主完成的。
(bnt,tnc,m) microDiamond是全球首款适用于临床剂量测定的商用单晶金刚石探测器(SCDD)。 作为一种合成金刚石探测器,它是由一种创新生产工艺且可重复制造的,它几乎完美地结合了天然金刚石探测器和硅二极管探测器的优点。
TBA Scanning Detectors | PTW - ptwdosimetry.com
The TBA Scanning Detectors by PTW are designed for high-performance dose distribution measurements in radiotherapy. These detectors, including ionization chambers and solid-state detectors, are suitable for use in water phantoms and provide precise measurements for high-energy dose distributions.
PinPoint 3D Ion Chamber | PTW - ptwdosimetry.com
The PinPoint 3D Ion Chamber by PTW is an ultra-small therapy chamber designed for high-precision dosimetry in high-energy photon beams. With a vented sensitive volume of only 0.016 cm³, it is ideal for dose measurements in small fields encountered in IORT, IMRT, and stereotactic beams, as well as larger fields.
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