Category 1 may be difficult to detect in individuals with dark skin tones. May indicate ‘at risk’ individuals (a heralding sign of risk). Partial thickness loss of dermis presenting as a shallow open ulcer with a red pink wound bed, without slough. May also present as an intact or open/ruptured serum-filled blister.
Category 1 This is a category 1 pressure ulcer in brown skin. Note that the erythema (redness) is still visible as the skin is much lighter on the margin of the foot. This image shows non-blanching erythema in white skin.
Category 1: Non blanchable Erythema Intact skin - In lighter skin tones this presents as non-blanchable redness of a localised area usually over a bony prominence.
有机铋聚氨酯催化剂在不同体系中的应用: - pu-cat.com
有机铋聚氨酯催化剂在不同体系中的应用: 1 在密封胶中,建议先试用BiCAT® H,添加量从0.5%开始一次调整,若觉得固化速度快,可试用BiCAT® 8。 2 在喷涂聚脲弹性体中,推荐使用BiCAT® 8,BiCAT® 8118或BiCAT® 8108,添加量为0.2%-0.5%. 3.树脂浆料中推荐使用BiCAT® 8118或BiCAT® 8108。 4.铋锌合金催化剂BiCAT8 (8%铋, 8%锌)替代汞触媒,铋提供固化所需的凝胶速度,高选择性和高速率地生成聚氨酯,锌作为较慢的凝胶催化剂和较好的交联催化剂,可 …
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PU Grading Chart
EPUAP - Category /Grade I • Discolouration of the skin: observe for a change of colour a • Non-blanchable erythema of intact skin: persistent redness in lightly pigmented skin. • Warmth, oedema, induration or hardness as compared to adjacent tissue may also be used as indicators, particularly on individuals with darker skin.
简谈浆料用聚酯多元醇及控制特点 - pu-cat.com
2021年8月13日 · 聚酯多元醇是聚氨甲基酸酯(PU)浆料生产中二大主要原料之一,它的品质 好坏 直接影响并决定 PU 浆料质量的优劣; 提高与保证 聚酯多元醇品质,对 PU 浆料生产有十分重要的意义;因此有必要对聚酯多元醇有个清楚的认识。 一、 多元醇的分类:主要分为聚醚多元醇和聚酯多元醇二类。 1 .聚醚多元醇 主要是以环氧丙烷、环氧乙烷、环氧氯丙烷、二元胺等为原料进行生产的多元醇。 它又可分为:聚氧化丙烯醚多元醇(PPG)、聚四氢呋喃(MPTG)、特种 …
硬泡催化剂_高回弹催化剂_自结皮催化剂_弹性体催化剂_上海熙酮 …
凭借多年在汽车pu配件、硬泡连续保温板、喷涂保温等方面的生产经验,在科研单位的协作帮助下,研究开发了聚氨酯功能性助剂产品,在141b替代技术方便,成功研发了反应型、低气味、高阻燃(氧指数≥30)全水保温板发泡技术和全水喷涂发泡技术,并成功 ...
Previous PU history – tick as applicable No known PU history PU history – complete below Number of previous pressure ulcer(s) Detail of previous PU (if more than 1 previous PU give detail of the PU that left a scar or worst category). Approx date Site PU cat Scar No scar Other relevant information (if required): PU Category 1 or above
Cohort study evaluating pressure ulcer management in ... - BMJ …
Resource use associated with managing a category 1 PU was substantially less than that associated with managing the other categories of PU. Only 12% of patients were recorded as having seen a specialist physician in the 12 months from initial presentation, of which 65% of the patients had a category 3 ulcer.