a) X-ray diffraction curves of pure polyurethane, b) …
A porous biodegradable polyurethane nanocomposite based on poly (caprolactone) (PCL) and nanocomponents derived from montmorillonite (Cloisite®30B) was synthesized and tested to produce information...
In this study, reference (solid) and damaged (viscous) PU samples have been analysed by XRD in Bragg-Brentano (BB) geometry to highlight potential differences in phase identification. In the XRD-BB configuration, the diffracted signal comes from a depth of a few micrometers within the inspected sample.
2018年6月6日 · 射线衍射法测定结晶度是 由高聚物结晶区和非晶 区中各原子对 射线的散射总强度与 晶区原子散射强度进行 比较而建立 的,本文用此方法测 定了聚酯——聚醚多嵌段共聚物聚氨酯的结晶度,实验结果表明共聚物结 晶度随着其组份 内 硬段链数的增加而增加 2 结晶度的测定原理和方法 根据高聚物形态结构的经典理论 ,结晶高聚物具有两相结构 ,即结晶相和非晶相 (无定 形 …
Journal of Applied Polymer Science | Wiley Online Library
2009年8月27日 · Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy, Thermogravimetric Analysis, and X-ray Diffractometry have been used to investigate the rigid, semi rigid, and soft polyurethane (PU) forms, which were developed by the Group of Analytic Chemistry and Technology of Polymers - USP - São Carlos.
Polyurethanes: Structure, Properties, Synthesis, Characterization…
2017年1月1日 · Trovati and coworkers analyzed the polyurethanes from MDI using FTIR, DSC, and XRD techniques. They considered three different types of PUs: rigid, semi-rigid, and soft PUs. The change in the crystalline structure with the type of PU is clear from the XRD pattern given in Fig. 1.8. Rigid PUs are more crystalline when compared to soft and semi-rigid
FTIR,TGA和XRD表征聚氨酯树脂,Journal of Applied Polymer …
傅里叶变换红外光谱,热重分析和X射线衍射仪已用于研究刚性,半刚性和软聚氨酯(PU)形式,这些形式是由聚合物分析化学和技术小组-USP-圣卡洛斯开发的。 硬质,半硬质和软质PU的–NCO / –OH比分别为0.6%,0.5%和0.3%,表明不同的比例会导致合成PU树脂的热行为和晶体结构发生差异。 ©2009 Wiley Periodicals,Inc. J Appl Polym Sci,2010年. 傅里叶变换红外光谱,热重分析和X射线衍射仪已用于研究刚性,半刚性和软聚氨酯(PU)形式,这些形式是由聚合物 …
XRD analysis of crystallinity of Plain PU film, SNC powder, and PU ...
It shows that, on the addition of synthesized SNC to the PU matrix to prepare PU-SNC nanocomposite film, significant reduction in area under the broad peak in between 10° to 40° diffraction ...
XRD spectra of PU/HAP composites. XRD: X-ray diffraction; PU ...
This article aims to optimize the synthesis parameters and to establish the appropriate value of pressure for the design of polyurethane/hydroxyapatite organic matrix composites with an enhanced...
Characterization of polyurethane resins by FTIR, TGA, and XRD
Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy, Thermogravimetric Analysis, and X-ray Diffractometry have been used to investigate the rigid, semi rigid, and soft polyurethane (PU) forms, which were developed by the Group of Analytic Chemistry and Technology of Polymers -USP -São Carlos.
Rapid photo‐responsive dynamic disulfide strategy for accessing …
2024年9月21日 · The X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of all PUs (Figure 1e) show an amorphous peak at 20.5°, contrasting with the crystalline (110) peaks of PCDL at 20.4° and 23.9° (Figure S2), indicating that the formation of PU disrupts the ordered arrangement of PCDL segments, thereby reducing the crystallinity.