Polytropic processes on a PV plot - Physics Forums
2011年11月14日 · The plot of the polytropic process depends on the value of n in [itex]PV^n = K[/itex]. If n = Cp/Cv it is an adiabatic process. If n = 1 then it is an isothermal process (PV = nRT = constant). If n=0 it is an isobaric process. None of those will provide a convex PV graph. AM
Graphical difference between adiabatic and isothermal processes.
2023年11月13日 · which simply tells us that at any point ##P, V## in a ##PV## plot, the slope at that point of the adiabatic process passing through that point is more negative than the slope at that point of the isothermal process passing through that point. Consider the …
How Do You Begin Creating a PV Diagram from Complex Data?
2024年2月22日 · I got ##p_1=510~##kPa. I added this offsets to all the pressures to get the corrected pV plot shown below (no suppressed zeroes). I note that, unless I made a mistake somewhere, the pressures are quite high relative to atmospheric and the 35 gram piston will be shot out faster than a speeding bullet. Now what? View attachment 340944
How to Plot Constant Temperature and Pressure Lines in Excel for ...
2015年2月11日 · Hello, My thermodynamics professor gave us homework to plot 3 lines of constant temperature on a PV diagram in excel and 3 lines of constant pressure on a TV diagram. I have no clue how to do this and was wondering if someone could help me Homework Equations He gave us the table for Ideal-gas properties of air The Attempt at a Solution
How to define PV module IV curve using given parameters
2021年5月4日 · I am looking at a solar panel and would like to be able to plot the IV curve for it. I have Isc, Voc, Imp, and Vmp from the datasheet so I can get the fill factor. I know each cells dimension and the number of cells too so I can find the current density if …
Negative deviation in PV vs P graph - Physics Forums
2017年3月3日 · To provide a different sort of answer: the deviations from linearity are to do with the gases liquifiying. Hydrogen and helium don't become liquids until the temperature is very low, and may not show that behaviour at the temperatures represented in the plot. The product PV is closely related to the so-called compressibility factor z = PV/nT.
Boyles Law Graphs: PV vs Pressure Explained - Physics Forums
2012年5月30日 · Whoops. You do calculate the 1/P, for V and plot the graph. I misinterpreted your previous post and told you the hyperbolic relation for P and V, and not 1/P and V.. The graph between 1/P and V would simply be a straight line, as it is of the form y=mx ( or V=k/P). This line passes through the origin and has the slope k.
Ideal Gas Law Lab: Finding R with PV = nRT - Physics Forums
2006年11月23日 · A plot of P as a function of T should be a straight line P = nRT/V with slope m = nR/V and y intercept b=0. 2) Keeping T constant, take measurements of Volume at various Pressures. A plot of P as a function of 1/V should be a straight line: P = nRT(1/V) with slope m = nRT and y intercept b=0. In 1) you determine V by measurement.
Drawing constant property lines on p-v/T-s/u-s diagrams - Physics …
2013年12月19日 · Take the PV diagram: can you see why a constant volume line will be vertical ad the constant pressure line will be horizontal? The equation of state is (probably) the ideal gas law: PV=nRT ... if temperature is a constant for an isotherm, then P=<constant>/V ... so the isotherm has to have a 1/V shape.
Understanding PV Diagrams and Temperature Changes in Ideal …
2017年4月23日 · PV diagrams. a DIAGONAL straight line going down (negative slope) on a PV digram with P on y-axis and v on x-axis. The temperature of the gas _____. Choices: Decreases then increase Increase then decrease At first I chose remains constant... but it was wrong.