Gel-Assisted Formation of Giant Unilamellar Vesicles
2013年7月2日 · We first demonstrate the efficiency of GUV formation on a PVA gel and study the growth process by inspecting the distribution of lipids before and after growth. Next, we compare growing efficiencies for different ionic and nonionic amphiphiles and show that the method allows us to encapsulate hydrophilic substances in the vesicles.
Membrane properties of giant polymer and lipid vesicles obtained …
2017年11月20日 · Globally, polymer chains present clearly lower mobility in GUV membranes obtained from PVA gel hydration. This strongly suggests that PVA chains are inserted in the membrane, increasing its viscosity and therefore limiting the diffusion of …
Advances in giant unilamellar vesicle preparation techniques and ...
2023年8月1日 · Giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) are cell-membrane mimetic tools. GUV preparation techniques and formation mechanisms are discussed that determine vesicle properties. Immobilization strategies of GUVs are summarized. Key membrane-biophysics and bottom-up biology applications of GUVs are highlighted.
Frontiers | Production of Isolated Giant Unilamellar Vesicles under ...
2017年2月12日 · PVA-assisted swelling is possibly the best method to produce GUVs because its impact on the properties of the lipid membrane is negligible, and a high yield of GUVs can be obtained in physiological buffer solutions. GUVs formed by PVA-assisted swelling open many possibilities for studying the lipid membrane.
Facile generation of giant unilamellar vesicles using …
2020年3月16日 · In the method described here, we generate large numbers of free-floating GUVs through the rehydration of lipid films deposited on soft polyacrylamide (PAA) gels. We show that this technique...
剑桥大学案例-巨型单层囊泡(脂质体)的生产与测试 | 微纳立方科 …
巨型单层囊泡(giant unilamellar vesicles,GUVs),指的是和细胞差不多大小的脂质泡,其外表的脂膜可以用来模拟细胞膜,也可以称之为仿生囊泡,能用于人造细胞方面的研究,那是个“高级”研究,不过本文要说的是更常见的药物筛选领域。 (用微流控技术生成细胞大小囊泡示意图) 传统方法做的囊泡,往其脂膜添加一些生物分子(如Min蛋白)后,会导致囊泡破裂。 但在2016年,科学家基于微流控技术已将其很好地攻克,使用的方法叫OAL法(辛醇辅助脂质体组装方 …
通过电成型和 PVA 凝胶辅助水合方法获得的巨型聚合物和脂质囊 …
该研究是在由磷脂(popc 和 dppc)或基于聚(二甲基硅氧烷)和聚(环氧乙烷)的两亲共聚物制成的 guv 上进行的。与经典电铸工艺相比,通过 pva 凝胶辅助水化方法形成的 guv 观察到拉伸模量、横向扩散系数和膜堆积的显着偏差。
Charged giant unilamellar vesicles prepared by electroformation …
2018年8月7日 · Giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs) are increasingly used as a versatile research tool to investigate membrane structure, morphology and phase state. In these...
自发膨胀、电成形、凝胶辅助和相转移方法制备的巨型囊泡膜的弯 …
Here, we combine flickering spectroscopy and electrodefomation of GUVs to measure, at identical conditions, membrane capacitance, bending rigidity and shear surface viscosity of palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) membranes formed by several commonly used preparation methods: thin film hydration (spontaneous swelling), electroformation, ge...
Here, we show that a wide variety of lipids or lipid mixtures can grow into GUVs by swelling lipid precursor films on top of a dried polyvinyl alcohol gel surface in a swelling buffer that can contain diverse biorelevant molecules.