Polyvinyl fluoride - Wikipedia
Polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) or – (CH 2 CHF) n – is a polymer material mainly used in the flammability -lowering coatings of airplane interiors and photovoltaic module backsheets. [2] . It is also used in raincoats and metal sheeting.
Solvent Based PVF Coil Coatings – Innotek Technology Limited
Polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) coil coating for steel is two-coats system-primer and topcoat and topcoat is 100% made from Polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) resin. To compare with PVDF fluorocarbon resin coating film, PVF coating film has shown excellent weatherability, corrosion-resistance, chemical resistance, abrasion resistance, anti-dirty and post ...
Water Based PVF Spray Coatings – Innotek Technology Limited
Using PVF (Poly Vinyl Fluoride) resin made by DuPont™ as the sole binder, DANAFLON® has excellent weather resistance, corrosion resistance, chemical resistance, stain resistance, abrasion performance, along with excellent adhesion with flexibility.
PVF薄膜,又名聚氟乙烯薄膜( polyvinyl fluoride ),简称PVF,是一种热塑性高强度树脂。 无臭、无毒的白色粉末。 密度1.38。 240℃以上分解。 具有晶体结构、高透明度(可透过紫外线)、高电绝缘性能、高坚韧性、优良耐化学品、抗老化和耐腐蚀性能。 并能耐-73~+121℃。 由氟和氟碳分子的共聚体挤压而成。 为含氟或氟碳的共聚物,比任何聚合物具有更大的化学结合力和结构稳定性。 PVF薄膜对日照、化学溶剂、酸碱腐蚀、湿气和氧化作用的抵抗力和耐久性提高显著 …
Properties of interest to the electrical industry include excellent hydrolytic stability and high dielectric strength and dielectric constant. Tedlar® PVF film is generally available in thicknesses from 1.0 to 2.0 mil.
PVF resin is the key ingredient in coating formulation, which takes about 25% of the coating mix-ture by weight. Various pigments typically make up 15% of the coating formulation by weight and are used to add color and visual features to PVF coating.
聚乙烯醇缩甲醛除用于维纶纤维外,还可用作 发泡剂 、 研磨材料 、胶粘剂、电气 绝缘材料 等。 用于配制 酚醛 - 缩醛 胶粘剂,如 铁锚 20l、202、203胶粘剂。 主要用于制造耐磨高强度 漆包线 涂料和金属、木材、 橡胶 、玻璃 层压塑料 之间的胶粘剂等。
Polyvinyl Fluoride - PVF - AZoM.com
2001年9月5日 · Polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) is a colorless, transparent-translucent, and semi-crystalline fluoropolymer possessing superior resistance to chemicals, outstanding weathering resistance, and low gas permeability; it has exceptionally high flexural tolerance and burns extremely slowly.
PVF_化工百科 - ChemBK
主要用于制造耐磨耗的高强度漆包线涂料和金属、木材、橡胶、玻璃层压塑料之间的胶粘剂,作为层压塑料的中间层以及制造冲击强度高、压缩弹性模量大的泡沫塑料。 聚偏氟乙烯(PVF)是一种聚合物,具有许多重要的性质。 PVF具有优异的耐化学腐蚀性,可以抵抗酸、碱和有机溶剂的侵蚀。 它还具有优良的电绝缘性能和耐高温性能,可以在较高温度下保持其物理和机械性能。 PVF被广泛用于涂层、粘合剂和保护膜等领域。 它可以作为涂料和粘合剂,用于金属、塑料和玻璃 …
Two prom-inent U.S. manufacturers of PVDF resins for use in coatings are Arkema and Solvay Solexis. Poly-vinylidene fluoride homopolymer resins are ame-nable to solvent-based, waterborne, and powder coating formulations.