PWA Pre Ban Commando, What's this Brands quality and company …
2005年5月24日 · Back in the 80's PWA, SGW (Olympic Arms), Sendra (Part of the Drasen - Nesard operation), and Essential arms were about the only receivers you could buy. DPMS did not exist. Bushmaster was just a little company with a semiauto called the Bushmaster that did not have a very good reputation. My first AR-15 was built on a SGW lower.
Picked up a PWA AR today, low serial number. Anyone know
2007年12月23日 · You are totally incorrect. PWA stood for Pac West Arms. The only commonality between PWA and Oly is that they were both located in Olympia, WA. PWA ceased doing business in July 1994 at that location. Lowers continued to be available up into the year 2000 when I bought my last group from a variety of distributors.
Complete Pre-Ban PWA Commando Rifle Value - AR15.COM
2024年4月13日 · It’s a complete pre-ban PWA Commando with “P” and “M” marked A1 upper with what looks like an original 10.5 barrel with a 5.5 moderator. Overall, it’s in good condition for its age with some handling marks and knicks.
PWA Commando for $499...should I buy it? - AR15.COM
2011年5月26日 · The old pre-ban weapons with cast receivers are not the same fairly uniform high quality as modern forged and CNC machined receivers. In the case of AR receivers, newer is better in most cases. You can easily buy a new heavy barrel gun of better quality than a PWA, for less than $1000.
PWA preban serial number - AR15.COM
2008年3月28日 · PWA (360) 438-3983 35222 and Below - Pre-Ban (Note:Some lowers are cast not forged. Out of business) Post-ban have a year prefix in the serial number.
What does PWA stand for? - AR15.COM
AR-15 AK-47 Handgun Precision Rifles Armory Training Competitive Shooting General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry About AR15.COM AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types.
PWA Commando - AR15.COM
2018年4月25日 · So, I just sold a PWA Commando lower and may have let it go too cheap. Local gun board folks seemed to be foaming at the mouth about it. I replaced the lower on an LMT upper build with a LMT lower I got for $99 for about a $10 loss. No bigs. Now I am going back into the archives and history and find that perhaps LMT made these PWA lower receivers.
PWA Commando lower-what do I have? - AR15.COM
2024年11月5日 · AR-15 AK-47 Handgun Precision Rifles Armory Training Competitive Shooting General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry About AR15.COM AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types.
lower stamped PWA help please - AR15.COM
2003年3月17日 · I've had my AR-15 for awhile now, but have yet to find good info on the lower. It is stamped "PWA Milan, IL. Cal. 5.56 MM Commando" and the serial number. I'm more than familiar with teh cal. 5.56 mm Commando part, but I'm hoping someone has some info on PWA which seems to be out of Milan, Italy.
PWA Commando - AR15.COM
2013年2月27日 · PWA is a very good lower and based on the s/n you gave, it is a preban. PWA were only lowers and were never shipped as complete rifles, the upper on that rifle is not original to the lower. Posted: 2/27/2013 7:07:43 PM EST