The TL594 device incorporates all the functions required in the construction of a pulse-width-modulation (PWM) control circuit on a single chip. Designed primarily for power-supply control, this device offers the systems engineer the flexibility to tailor the power-supply control circuitry to a specific application.
LTC6992-1 Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices
2012年1月6日 · The LTC6992 is a silicon oscillator with an easy-to-use analog voltage-controlled pulse width modulation (PWM) capability. The LTC6992 is part of the TimerBlox family of versatile silicon timing devices. A single resistor, R SET, programs …
TL494 PWM IC Pinout, Examples, Features, Datasheet and …
TL494 is a PWM controller IC used for power electronics circuits. It comprises of on-chip two error amplifiers an oscillator with adjustable frequency feature, an output flip-flop having pulse …
PWM Controllers | Analog Devices
Analog Devices’ family of current-mode pulse-width modulation (PWM) controllers operate at up to 500 kHz, have 1 A totem pole output, and no cross-conduction current.
Pulse-Width Modulation - Microchip Technology
A Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) peripheral is used to generate a digital signal with a user-defined period and duty cycle (“ON” time) that can be used to encode a message or control the amount of power supplied to electrical devices.
[linux 驱动]PWM子系统详解 - CSDN博客
struct pwm_chip 是 Linux 内核中用于表示一个 PWM 控制器 的结构体。 这个结构体定义了与 PWM 控制器 相关的各种信息和操作接口,允许内核对 PWM 硬件 进行管理和控制。 这是一个指向 device 结构体的指针,表示与该 PWM 控制器相关联的设备。 这使得 PWM 控制器能够通过设备模型与内核中的其他部分进行交互。 这是一个指向 pwm_ops 结构体的指针,定义了该 PWM 控制器支持的操作函数。 这些操作函数可能包括启动/停止 PWM、设置频率、设置占空比等功 …
Controllers | TL594 - onsemi
The TL594 PWM Controller incorporates all the functions required in the construction of a pulse width modulation (PWM) control circuit on a single chip. Designed primarily for power-supply control, this device offers the systems engineer the flexibility to tailor the power-supply control circuitry to a specific application.
Linux pwm 子系统 - 知乎
Linux 内核提供了个 PWM 子系统框架,编写 PWM 驱动的时候一定要符合这个框架。 PWM子系统的核心是 pwm_chip 结构体,定义在文件 include/linux/pwm.h 中
PWM Controllers - STMicroelectronics
ST's portfolio of pulse-width modulator (PWM) controllers can support isolated and non-isolated AC-DC and DC-DC switch mode power supplies based on the most popular topologies in both single-ended (such as fly-back, forward or quasi-resonant) and double-ended configurations (such as asymmetrical half-bridge) for mid- to high-power SMPS.
6. PWM子系统 — [野火]嵌入式Linux驱动开发实战指南——基 …
内核的PWM core,向下对实际pwm控制器驱动,提供了pwm_chip,soc厂商编程控制器驱动,只需注册结构体,配置好private_data,实例化pwm_ops操作,编写具体函数即可。
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