Reflective Essay: OSCE Assessment | UKEssays.com
2020年5月18日 · PWP’s use assessments to gain an understanding of disorder-specific information to decide whether they are suitable for treatment within the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies initiative (IAPT) (Richards and Whyte, 2011).
OSCE Example for Trainee PWPs - UCL Mediacentral
2019年7月2日 · Example recording for PWP trainees
2024年2月17日 · In this video I offer tips and guidance on how to pass your OSCE or role-play as a trainee psychological wellbeing practitioner. Ranging from how to prepare ...
Reflection Of My Performance During An Objective Structured …
HS933 OSCE Critical Reflection The following is a critical reflection of my performance during an objective structured clinical exam (OSCE), as part of my training for the role of Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP). An OCSE is an assessment technique whereby a student demonstrates their competence under simulated conditions (Fidment 2012).
Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) 30 - 45 minute audio-visual recording of a simulated assessment session, including 1500 word reflective commentary (Module 1)
Crucial to the effective operation of a stepped care model is the Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner (PWP) who provides care at ‘step 2’. This is sometimes referred to as Low Intensity (LI) work. PWPs should work alongside High Intensity Therapists (HITs) and other clinicians providing evidence based treatment across the therapeutic modalities.
OSCE Reflection piece - Reflective Model 1 OSCE REFLECTIVE.
2017年5月10日 · Gibbs's Reflection Model can be applied to OSCE because OSCE focuses on three fundamental aspects of self-reflection: ethics, and humanism. Consequently, self-reflection aspect in the OSCE is the targeted aspect that can be aided by the use of Gibb's Reflection Model, since the model is based on six interrelated aspects that aid in reflection ...
- 评论数: 2
Reflective Essay: OSCE Assessment - ukessays.ae
PWP’s use assessments to gain an understanding of disorder-specific information to decide whether they are suitable for treatment within the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies initiative (IAPT) (Richards and Whyte, 2011).
The Objective Structured Clinical Examination
2020年11月2日 · This essay will discuss my experience of having undertaken the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) where I was asked to write and carry out particular clinical skills testing my competence.
护理专业osce考核指南 - 百度文库
OSCE(Objective Structured Clinical Examination)是指客观化的结构化临床考试,是护理专业的重要考核方式之一。 OSCE考核通过模拟真实的临床情境,评估学生的专业知识和技能,以及对患者安全的保障能力。