PXI-2596 - NI - National Instruments
The PXI‑2596 is an RF signal multiplexer switch with dual 6x1 multiplexer banks in the same module. It is ideal for passing high-order harmonics from PXI RF Signal Upconverter modules or routing multiple sources to PXI RF Signal Downconverter modules.
PXI-2596 - NI
PXI‑2596是一款RF信号多路复用器开关,在一个模块中包含两组6x1多路复用器。 该模块适用于传输来自PXI RF信号上变频器模块的高阶谐波或将多个信号源路由到PXI RF信号下变频器模块。
26.5 GHz Dual 6 × 1 50 Ω Multiplexer This document lists specifications for the NI PXI-2596 (PXI-2596) relay module. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Visit ni.com/manuals for the most current specifications.
PXI-2596 Specifications - NI
2023年2月18日 · PXI-2596 Specifications 26.5 GHz, 50 Ω, Dual 6x1 (SP6T) PXI RF Multiplexer Switch Module
PXI-2596 Datasheet (PDF) - National Instruments Corporation
Description: 26.5 GHz Multiplexers, SPDT Relays, and Transfer Switches. Manufacturer: National Instruments Corporation.
NI PXI-2596 (26.5 GHz Dual 6x1 Unterminated Multiplexer)
The National Instruments PXI-2596 Dual 6x1 Unterminated Multiplexer route RF or microwave signals in automated test applications. While designed to operate with less than 1 dB insertion loss up to 26.5 GHz, they appear almost invisible to signals at much lower frequencies as well.
NI PXI-2596 - National Instruments Corporation | PXI RF …
The NI PXI-2596 from National Instruments Corporation is a PXI RF Multiplexer with Frequency 26.5 GHz, Power 51.76 dBm, Power 150 W. More details for NI PXI-2596 can be seen below. u-blox has introduced the new X20, an all-band high-precision GNSS platform that delivers global centimeter-level accuracy.
メモNI PXI-2596は、デジタルフィルタを無効にすることによって、150 ns未満のトリガパルス幅を認識することができます。
NI,PXI-2596 26 GHz两组6x1多路复用器【报价】【资料】 …
26.5 GHz,50 Ω,两路6x1 (SP6T) PXI RF多路复用器开关模块—PXI‑2596是一款RF信号多路复用器开关,在一个模块中包含两组6x1多路复用器。 该模块适用于传输来自PXI RF信号上变频器模块的高阶谐波或将多个信号源路由到PXI RF信号下变频器模块。
PXI-2596,PXI-2596 pdf,PXI-2596中文资料,PXI-2596引脚图,PXI-2596 …
PXI-2596 - 26.5 GHz Multiplexers, SPDT Relays, and Transfer Switches - National Instruments Corporat...
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