Keysight PXI和AXIe 系列仪器可以帮助您快速、精确地测试高度集成的多通道或 多端口器件。以下是几个示例: • 是德科技的旗舰型 PXI 矢量网络分析仪 (VNA) 已经证明为许多客户工厂大幅 缩短了制造测试的时间。它具有真正的多端口功能,无需使用开关即可在一台
AXIe 模块化产品 | 是德科技
2014年8月15日 · AXIe 是基于先进电信计算体系结构 (AdvancedTCA) 的新一代开放标准,它综合了 ATCA、PXI、LXI 和 IVI 等现有标准的优点,充分利用每寸机架空间提供出色性能,并增添了计时、触发和模块间数据传送等功能。
AXIe Products - Keysight
2014年8月1日 · Compact, multichannel vector signal generator capable of signal generation up to 8.5 GHz with 1 GHz of modulation bandwidth per channel. Enable faster, flexible testing for 802.3ck and PCIe ® 6.0 designs with a 50+ GHz probe. Explore curated support plans, prioritized to keep you innovating at speed.
PXI Products - Keysight
2014年8月1日 · Explore PXI chassis and controllers from Keysight. Discover high-performance modular solutions for flexible and reliable test systems. Learn more now! Keysight PXI digitizers are analog-to-digital converter (ADC) versatile cards based on a modular architecture. Our PXI digitizers include PXIe Wideband Digitizers and PXIe Isolated Digitizers.
Modular Instruments - Keysight
Keysight’s modular systems help you tackle your toughest RF, microwave, and digital challenges by delivering unrivaled PXI and AXIe performance. Our foundation is the industry’s most accurate measurement science, giving you maximum confidence to achieve your first, best measurement and insight into what is next.
Compact, multichannel vector signal generator capable of signal generation up to 8.5 GHz with 1 GHz of modulation bandwidth per channel. 是德科技模块化测量仪器 产品分为两大类型:PXI 和 AXIe。 我们的模块化解决方案提供了卓越的 PXI 和 AXIe 性能,能够帮助您轻松应对更苛刻的射频、微波和数字测试挑战。 是德科技传承 75 年创新史,始终致力于为客户开启全新的测量视野。 秉承这一理念,我们创造了各式各样性能优异的测试测量仪器 设备,无论是全尺寸台式仪器、 …
PXI / AXIe 模块化产品手册 PDF Asset Page - Keysight
是德科技模块化 pxi 和 axie 测试解决方案帮助您快速、准确地测试高度集成的器件和设备。 了解哪款硬件和软件更适合您的需求,并查看适用于特定测量应用、能够节省测试时间的测试解决方案。
Exploring the Relationship Between AXIe and PXI
2012年3月1日 · As AXIe emerges from infancy to become a capable measurement platform, it’s easy to see the common DNA it shares with PXI. Both platforms are standard modular form factors that boast...
How to Install and Add AXIe Equipment - helpfiles.keysight.com
Run Connection Expert to see your AXIe devices in the Instruments view and AXIe chassis in the PXI/AXIe Chassis view. This section contains information specific to the Windows product. The Keysight Modular Driver Wizard generates device-specific .ini, .inf …
PXI Chassis and Controllers - Keysight
Build a PXI system, by choosing the compatible PXI chassis and PXI controllers that meet your needs. Keysight offers a variety of PXI chassis with different sizes and performance characteristics. For the highest performance system, configure one of Keysight's Gen 3 chassis with either the M9023A or M9024A PXIe high-performance system modules ...
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