Dynamic Signal Acquisition (DSA) Synchronization Basics
2024年4月25日 · The PXI chassis supplies the clock to each peripheral slot, independently, driven by an independent buffer. This reference clock is accurate to 25 ppm, and can be overridden by another 10 MHz clock sourced by a capable PXI or PXIe module installed in the star trigger slot (slot 2) of the chassis.
This document lists specifications for the NI PCI/PXI-4461 and NI PCI/PXI-4462 (NI 4461/4462) Dynamic Signal Acquisition (DSA) devices. These specifications are typical at 25 °C unless otherwise stated. The operating range for the PXI-4461/4462 is 0 to 55 °C, and the operating range for the PCI-4461/4462 is 0 to 50 °C.
以不同的速率同步不同类型的DSA设备 - NI
2023年11月8日 · 上一代DSA设备(PXI-4461 / 2和PXI / PXIe-4492 / 5/6/7/8/9)将在NI-DAQmx任务的“开始”(Start)状态下准备接收并发送同步脉冲。 因此,当在这两组设备之间进行同步时,它们将需要处于正确的状态,比方说所有同步脉冲从卡都准备好接收而同步脉冲主卡将发送同步脉冲。
Synchronizing Different Types of DSA Devices at Different Rates
2023年8月1日 · For PXI/PXIe systems, you can use any of the PXI/PXIe trigger lines to route a sync pulse to all slave devices. For PCI devices, the default RTSI line is 9, but you can program another RTSI line. The sync pulse aligns all the clocks in the system to within nanoseconds and also resets the ADCs and DACs.
Synchronize DSA Devices - MathWorks
To synchronize PXI and PCI families of DSA devices you need to use a sample clock with time-based synchronization or a reference clock time-based synchronization. The DataAcquisition AutoSyncDSA property allows you to automatically enable both homogeneous and heterogeneous synchronization between PCI and PXI device families.
NI-DAQmx Synchronization of PXI Express Modules - NI - National Instruments
2024年6月28日 · As the latest evolution of the PXI platform, PXI Express has been designed to deliver a higher degree of synchronization to measurement I/O devices while remaining backward-compatible. PXI Express maintains the 10 MHz backplane clock as well as the single-ended PXI trigger bus and PXI star trigger signal provided by the original PXI specification.
National Instruments DSA Devices - Apex Waves
DSA stands for Dynamic Signal Acquisition, and the DSA Devices from National Instruments offer incredibly dynamic signal generation and acquisition capabilities. Modules such as the PXI-4461 and PXIe-4463 are especially useful for sound and vibration applications of PXI systems.
Multiple-Device Synchronization Using USB or PXI Devices
This example uses two USB or PCI devices, but could be modified for channels across CompactDAQ or PXI chassis. If you have counter output CompactDAQ modules in the same chassis, it is not necessary to call addtrigger; but it is required for multiple modules in the same PXI chassis.. Synchronize DSA PXI Devices Using AutoSyncDSA
DSA设备IEPE激励值 - National Instruments
解答: 不同的DSA设备有不同的激励值。 在软件中这些值有一些范围,但最终在硬件中被强制转化成一个允许值。 注意: PXI-4495不支持IEPE激励。 如果设定值位于“Other”一项内,将会产生一个错误。 请从下面链接的各种设备的技术规范中获取更多关于IEPE激励的信息。 根据应用传感器的激励条件不同,可以从这个参数决定选择哪个产品更合适。 KnowledgeBase 2SHCTLBH: What is IEPE and is it the same as Integrated Circuit Piezoelectric (ICP)? 请问美国国家仪器的动态信 …
Synchronized Data Delayed When Using NI DAQ Devices with …
2024年5月10日 · There is a delay between my NI C series DSA modules when I synchronize my voltage inputs using channel expansion in LabVIEW. This phase shift or delay is typically the result of the group delay of the anti-aliasing filters common in the front-end of devices with Delta-Sigma-ADC. You can compensate for this group delay in several ways: