Class PXP - Sentral
Why are there differences between attendance percentage in Attendance and Class PxP? How do I setup early start classes? For all the latest on video tutorials for Sentral, please visit our …
Sentral’s Class PXP module handles all absence types and records with a focus on class attendance. It provides an efficient, effective and clear end to end solution that seamlessly …
Sentral’s Class PXP module handles all absence types and records with a focus on class attendance. It provides an efficient, effective and clear end to end solution that seamlessly …
- [PDF]
The Sentral Class PXP Module: can start Attendance roll & Class Period by Period marking immediately. Adding a new absence, incursion, truancy can be as basic or as de
Sentral ... Sentral
GHS Sentral Support - Attendance - Google Sites
Period By Period Roll Marking (PxP) Click the links below to access the flowchart procedures for PxP roll marking AND the teacher PxP user manual
Attendance PxP FAQs - Sentral
Can I mark a roll in PxP for Multi-Periods? Can we setup SMS/Emails to parents for Class PXP absences/truancy? Why are there differences between attendance percentage in Attendance …
Sentral Modular Licence Inclusions for Independent School
It includes the Sentral Core Data Platform (Core SIS), when school records (domain-specific records) are created using Sentral modules like Attendance, Wellbeing, and Academic …
Sentral for Teachers App
The Sentral for Teachers App is the only mobile companion that works seamlessly with the Sentral platform. It offers a mobile-optimised and curated set of use cases that allow teachers …
Sentral for Teachers app gives you an easy to access mobile interface with capabilities such as: Daily roll marking and PxP As more and more classes congregate in areas other than the …