Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP - PZ2-42P | KEYENCE America
Incandescent lamp: 5,000 lux max., Sunlight: 20,000 lux max. *1 The power indicator is equipped with the PZ2-51 only. PZ2-42P, Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP in PZ2 series by KEYENCE America.
方形 反射型 电缆型 PNP - PZ2-42P | 基恩士中国官方网站
PZ2-42P. 类型. 扩散反射型 短距离. 检测距离. 100 mm (100 x 100 mm 白色亚光纸) 光源. 红色 LED. 可检测的物体. 透明与不透明 (检测距离) 的应差. 最大 20 %. 灵敏度调节. 1 圈旋钮式调整器 (240°) 响应时间. 最大 1 ms. 操作模式. LIGHT-ON/DARK-ON (可用开关选择) 显示指示器
矩形 反射型 纜線型 PNP - PZ2-42P | KEYENCE 台灣基恩斯
PZ2-42P. 類型. 擴散反射式 短距離. 偵測距離括弧內的數字表示使用小光點時的偵測距離。 100 mm (100 x 100 mm 白色厚紙) 光源. 紅色 LED. 可檢測的物體. 透明與不透明 (檢測距離) 之應差. 最高 20 %. 靈敏度調整. 1 圈調整器 (240 °) 反應時間. 最大 1 ms. 操作模式. LIGHT-ON/DARK ...
基恩士传感器光电开关PZ2-42 41 61 51 42P 42D漫反射 PZ2-61P
基恩士传感器光电开关pz2-42 41 61 51 42p 42d漫反射 pz2-61p(带国产反光板) 原装图片、价格、品牌样样齐全! 【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!
The KEYENCE PZ2-42P is a square reflective cable type photoelectric sensor with PNP output. It uses a red LED light source to detect objects at a distance of 100 mm. It can detect both transparent and opaque objects.
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PZ2-42P Square Reflective Cable Type, PNP *Please note that accessories depicted in the image are for illustrative purposes only and may not be included with the product. This model has been discontinued. Contact Us: 1-888-539-3623 Compliance with the certification standard is ensured as of the time of shipment from our company.
角型 反射型 ケーブルタイプ NPN - PZ2-42 - キーエンス
PZ2-42. 種類. 拡散反射型 (近距離) 検出距離. 100 mm (100 × 100 mm 白紙) 光源. 赤色 LED. 検出物体. 透明・不透明体. 応差距離. 検出距離の 20 % 以下. 感度調整. 1 回転トリマ (240°) 応答時間. 1 ms 以下. 動作形態. 入光時 ON/しゃ光時 ON スイッチ切換. 表示灯
2002年3月29日 · KEYENCE CORPORATION's PZ2-42 is a photoelectric sensor diffuse-reflective light on/dark on npn 100m 3-pin. in the sensors, photoelectric sensors category. Check part details, parametric & specs and download pdf datasheet from datasheets.com, a global distributor of electronics components.
KEYENCE CORPORATION | PZ2-42P - Datasheets.com
2002年3月29日 · KEYENCE CORPORATION's PZ2-42P is a photoelectric sensor diffuse-reflective light on/dark on pnp 100m 3-pin. in the sensors, photoelectric sensors category. Check part details, parametric & specs and download pdf datasheet from datasheets.com, a global distributor of electronics components.
PZ2-42P, Keyence, Photoelectric Sensor - ELTRA TRADE
The Keyence PZ2-42P photoelectric sensor is a square photoelectric sensor with a built-in amplifier and cable. Has reverse polarity protection, maximum current protection, and surge absorber. Technical characteristics: Series: PZ2; Type: short-range diffuse reflection; Output type: PNP; Detection distance: 100 mm (white matte paper 100 x 100 mm)
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