The Safe House | Chad Wild Clay Wiki | Fandom
The Safe House is place where it was givin by regina that because the old safe sadly house burnt down but lucky pz4 when she used be pz member regina was pz member she let the spy ninjas live in the new safe house. There hatch underneth the safe houe where perlita live in how long but in this PZ SQUIRE REVEALS SAFE HOUSE SECRET!
HE FOUND OUR SAFE HOUSE? (Missing PZ4 Clues Found Project ... - YouTube
PZ4 is hiding somewhere in the abandoned safe house so the Project Zorgo members do not find her. I hope she is safe. After the lie detector test we know she can be trusted. On the adventure we...
2019年2月10日 · After going through obstacle courses, PZ4 appears and uses spy gadgets and ninja gadgets to destroy the crystal fruit ninja style. As they make their way back to the Delorean Daniel receives an...
请问是米其林ps4好还是倍耐力的p zero好?主要注重性能和湿地的 …
目前我个人认为适宜直接拿来对比的是米其林的PS4(不带S)与倍耐力new PZ4。 这两种轮胎很凑巧在我现在开的XC60上都有配备,分别是235/55 R19 105V的PZ4(对应高配)和235/60 R18 103V的PS4(对应中配)。
Spy Ninja Safe House | The Spy Ninjas Wiki! | Fandom
The 1st Safe House was the location where Chad, Vy, and Daniel lived. It was originally owned by Daniel, (who was PZ1 at the time.) However, Project Zorgo discovered the location of Daniel's safe house thanks to PZ88, PZ4, and PZ715.
p0 pz4和ps4s赛道干地性能差距有多少? - 知乎
2021年4月26日 · 综合来看两者属于同一级别轮胎, ps4s 干地吊打pz4,pz4湿地又优于ps4s。
Regina PZ4 - The Spy Ninjas Wiki
Regina, also known as the Domino’s Girl, Inspector, Skittles Girl, PZ4. She is known for her clumsiness and her ability to hack better than Daniel. She also has challenged the Spy Ninjas, Chad, Vy and Daniel to letting the Spy Ninjas get the Safe House and to reveal her face.
Project Zorgo's Leader/Gallery | Villains Wiki | Fandom
CWC SAFE HOUSE is now under PROJECT ZORGO Control (Searching for Abandoned Spy Ninja Gadgets)
VY vs HACKERS in Real Life NINJA BATTLE Royale (Project Zorgo ... - YouTube
2019年2月17日 · In this video, Chad, Vy and Daniel get trapped by PZ4 in the safe house. CWC finds a mystery box with ninja gadgets and Vy has to crawl through secret tunnels and vents to help Daniel escape....
Spy Ninjas History Timeline - Part 1 - SpyNinjasStore
2021年5月14日 · Vy sneaks in and rescues PZ4. March 13, 2019: The New Safe House. As a way of saying thank you, PZ4 gives Chad, Vy and Daniel a place to stay. It’s the safe house that the Spy Ninjas will be living in for years to come. Project Zorgo is really upset at PZ4 now. They set up a plan to trick her into breaking into an old lady’s house.