PZL Mielec
Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze Sp. z o.o. (PZL Mielec) is presently one of the largest aircraft manufacturer in Poland, and the largest production site for Lockheed Martin outside the USA. For over 87 years the PZL has designed, produced and maintained agricultural & fire-fighting planes, passenger/cargo commuters and trainer aircraft.
PZL Mielec - Wikipedia
PZL Mielec (Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze - Polish Aviation Works), formerly WSK-Mielec (Wytwórnia Sprzętu Komunikacyjnego) and WSK "PZL-Mielec" is a Polish aerospace manufacturer based in Mielec. It is the largest aerospace manufacturer in postwar Poland. In 2007, it was acquired by Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, which retained the brand name.
游戏分类 - 百度百科
pzl :益智类游戏 Puzzle的原意是指以前用来 培养儿童智力 的拼图游戏,引申为各类有趣的益智游戏,总的来说适合休闲,较经典的是大家耳熟能详的《 俄罗斯方块 》。
Lockheed Martin in Poland
Our PZL Mielec facility, one of Poland’s largest defense exporters, develops Poland’s local industrial base and plays a critical role in the global Black Hawk supply chain. And the unmatched capabilities of programs like the F-35 stealth fighter, Javelin and HIMARS are redefining Poland’s national security while increasing ...
PZL-Świdnik has manufactured and delivered over 7,400 helicopters to customers in over 40 countries worldwide. Through PZL-Świdnik Poland is one of 5 EU member states which can boast the capability to design, manufacture, develop and support helicopters on their own.
Państwowe Zakłady Lotnicze - Wikipedia
PZL (Państwowe Zakłady Lotnicze - State Aviation Works) was the largest Polish aerospace manufacturer of the interwar period, and a brand of their aircraft. Based in Warsaw between 1928 and 1939, PZL introduced a variety of well-regarded aircraft, most notably the PZL P.11 fighter, the PZL.23 Karaś light bomber, and the PZL.37 Łoś medium ...
PZL-230 Skorpion - Wikipedia
The PZL-230 Skorpion (scorpion) was a proposed Polish low-cost attack aircraft. It was being developed by Polish manufacturer PZL Warszawa-Okecie in the late 1980s and early 1990s.
PZL-130小鷹教練機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
PZL-130T Turbo Orlik的升級版,增加了小翼,現代化的 Garmin 航空電子設備並改變了飛行導師的座位位置. 帶有玻璃駕駛艙和平視顯示器的版本,公司名稱是 Orlik MPT(多功能訓練器)。
PZL Warszawa – Okęcie – Since 1928
Liderzy polskiego przemysłu lotniczego od roku 1928. Pierwsze zakłady produkcyjne powstały w warszawskiej dzielnicy Okęcie w 1928 r. Od tamtego czasu zaprojektowano i wprowadzono do seryjnej produkcji 22 modele statków powietrznych. Łącznie niemal 6000 egzemplarzy opuściło fabrykę i zostało sprzedanych do ponad 30 krajów.
P.23轰炸机 - 百度百科
波兰空军对轻型轰炸机有着高度的兴趣,在P.11战斗机投产后,PZL又开发出了P.23轻型轰炸机,使用PZL按许可证生产的英国Bristol Pegasus IIM2型 670马力发动机,并很快通过波兰空军的验收批量投产服役,这是中低单翼全金属结构的轻型轰炸机。