PZL Kania - Wikipedia
The PZL Kania (Polish Kite, also marketed as Kitty Hawk) is a follow-up design to the Mil Mi-2 helicopter, developed in Poland by PZL-Świdnik. In 1964, an agreement was signed between Poland and the Soviet Union assigning production of the Mil Mi-2 twin-engined light helicopter exclusively to the WSK PZL-Świdnik factory at Świdnik, Poland. [1]
PZL Kania – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
PZL Kania (ang. Kitty Hawk) – polski śmigłowiec – daleko posunięta modernizacja radzieckiego Mi-2. Śmigłowiec PZL Kania powstał na przełomie lat 70. i 80. XX wieku w WSK Świdnik. W założeniach miał być przeznaczony na eksport na rynki zachodnie.
PZL.56 Kania - Wikipedia
PZL.56 Kania (buzzard) was a Polish pre-war project of a fighter aircraft designed by Wsiewołod Jakimiuk of the Państwowe Zakłady Lotnicze. A single-seat low-wing monoplane was a development of PZL.50 Jastrząb fighter, modified to house a …
PZL Kania - Military Wiki | Fandom
The PZL Kania (Polish Kite, also marketed as Kitty Hawk) is a follow-up to the Mil Mi-2 helicopter, developed in Poland by PZL-Świdnik. In 1964, an agreement was signed between Poland and the Soviet Union assigning production of the Mil Mi-2 twin-engined light helicopter exclusively to …
PZL Kania - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero Corner
The PZL Kania is a Polish twin-engine aircraft that was used as a military trainer and attack helicopter. The first flight of this plane was in November 1986, but it wasn't until 1989 that it entered production.
PZL S-4 Kania 2 - Wikipedia
The PZL S-4 Kania 2 was a Polish trainer and glider towing aircraft of the 1950s, not built in series. The first prototype was designated S-3 Kania. There is also a helicopter named PZL Kania. The aircraft was designed by Eugeniusz Stankiewicz in 1950, …
PZL Swidnik (Mil) Mi2 & Kania - Airliners.net
The Kania (Kitty Hawk) is a substantial upgrade of the basic Mi2, and features Allison 250C20B turboshafts, western avionics, composite main and tail rotor blades, and has won US FAR Pt 29 certification. Developed in cooperation with Allison, the Kania first flew on June 3 1979, and US certification was granted in February 1986.
samolotypolskie.pl - PZL "Kania" ("Kitty Hawk")
Zwycięska koncepcja śmigłowca PZL ”Kania” ("Kitty Hawk") zakładała zastosowanie nie tylko mocniejszych i mniej paliwożernych silników, ale również głęboką modernizację kabiny załogi poprzez zastosowanie zachodniej awioniki Bendix/King.
PZL.56 Kania | Military Wiki | Fandom
PZL.56 Kania was a Polish pre-war initial project of a fighter aircraft designed by Wsiewołod Jakimiuk of the PZL works. A single-seat low-wing monoplane was a development of PZL.50 Jastrząb fighter, modified to house a new Hispano-Suiza …
PZL Kania - Helis.com
Kania Polish Police to Museum 03-Jun-20 - The Polish police handled over its Kania helicopter to the Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow #Kania