PZL.43 - Wikipedia
The PZL.43 was a Polish light bomber and reconnaissance aircraft designed in the mid-1930s by PZL in Warsaw. It was a development of the PZL.23 Karaś. Its main user was the Bulgarian …
PZL P-23 / P-43 Karas - light bomber - aviastar.org
One other version similar to the Karas B entered production, however, as the P.43A Karas, of which 12 were built for the Bulgarian air force and delivered in 1937. This model differed by …
Уголок неба ¦ PZL P-43
Больший вес мотора "Gnome-Rhone" привел к удлинению фюзеляжа - за счет кабины экипажа. Самолет получил обозначение P-43А. В отличие от P-23 на этом самолете …
PZL.43简介-PZL.43高清图片-PZL.43性能介绍-PZL.43特点及发展历 …
PZL.43波兰PZL.43轻型轰炸机是PZL.23的改进型用于出口保加利亚,PZL.43安装了更大功率的发动机,因此性能比PZL.23有一定提高。 1938年保加利亚订购了42架,到战争爆发时只完工 …
PZL P.43 Karas - wardrawings.be
Speed: 365 km/h | Ceiling: 8500 m | Range: 1250 km.
PZL P.43 Karas - wardrawings.be
Speed: 365 km/h | Ceiling: 8500 m | Range: 1250 km. Bombs: 600-700 kg bombs.
PZL P.43A Karas - wardrawings.be
The PZL P-43B is export version of PZL P-23 Karas bomber equipped with GR 14NO1 engine. Bulgaria bought 54 bombers. Weight: 2200 kg | Max. Combat Weight: 3525 kg. Max. Speed: …
PZL.43 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
PZL.43 (bułg. Чайка – Mewa) – polski samolot rozpoznawczo-bombowy, wersja eksportowa samolotu PZL.23 Karaś. Zaprojektowany i zbudowany w 1936 roku w Państwowych …
PZL.43 - Wikiwand
The PZL.43 was a Polish light bomber and reconnaissance aircraft designed in the mid-1930s by PZL in Warsaw. It was a development of the PZL.23 Karaś . Its main user was the Bulgarian …
PZL 23 and 43 Karaś (Carp) - Warbirds Resource Group
All PZL.23s had military numbers from 44.1 to 44.250. The Bristol engines were licensed for use in Poland only, so for export purposes the Gnome-Rhône 14K was used in a variety of PZL …