PZL SW-4 Puszczyk - Wikipedia
The PZL SW-4 Puszczyk (en: tawny owl) is a Polish light single-engine multipurpose helicopter manufactured by PZL-Świdnik. Following a protracted development, the SW-4 entered service …
The SW-4 is a multi-purpose, light single engine helicopter with excellent performance, flight envelope and cabin space. Thanks to its characteristics, the helicopter is ideally suited for …
SW-4 - PZL-Świdnik
The SW-4 meets the market need for a multi-purpose, light single-engine helicopter that combines excellent performance, flight envelope and cabin space. Thanks to its flexible characteristics, …
PZL SW-4 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Jest to lekki śmigłowiec wielozadaniowy napędzany jednym silnikiem Rolls-Royce 250-C20R/2 o mocy 457 KM. Został zaprojektowany w zgodności z europejskimi przepisami lotniczymi JAR …
sw-4由波兰斯维德尼克公司(pzl)研制的4-5座单发多用途轻型直升机。1985年开始研制,1987年研制出全尺寸模型。1990年波兰政府为了使sw-4能打入国际市场制定了一项sw-4现代化计 …
SW-4直升机 - 百度百科
SW-4直升机,是5座轻型直升机,重1.8吨,以航空煤油为燃料,飞行速度可达每小时260公里,飞行高度2000多米,航程624千米。为从波兰飞机制造商PZLSwidnik公司引进生产的机型 …
PZL Swidnik SW-4 - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History - Aero …
The PZL SW-4 is a Polish twin engine helicopter that was designed in the late 1950s and early 1960s. It has been used for disaster relief, passenger transport, air ambulance, and various …
PZL SW-4 - Helis.com
The PZL-Swidnik SW-4 is a light-single engine helicopter which first flew on October 29, 1996. Entered service in 2002 with the Polish Air Force. Parent company AgustaWestland developed …
SW-4 Solo - PZL-Świdnik
The SW-4 Solo, based on the proven SW-4 light single engine EASA certified helicopter, has been designed to be used both in manned (OPH - Optionally Piloted Helicopter) and in …
【红鹰SW-4】正宗波兰血统的中国造直升机 - 航空之家
4民用直升机是5座轻型直升机,重1.8吨,以航空煤油为燃料,时速可达260公里,飞行高度为2000米,航程624千米。 适用于由波兰飞机制造商PZLSwidnik推出的机型。