PZL.37 Łoś - Wikipedia
The PZL.37 Łoś ('moose') was a Polish twin-engined medium bomber designed and manufactured by national aircraft company Państwowe Zakłady Lotnicze (PZL). It is sometimes incorrectly referred to as "PZL P.37", but the letter "P" was reserved for fighters of Zygmunt Puławski's design (such as the PZL P.11). [2]
PZL.37 Łoś – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
PZL.37 Łoś – polskiej konstrukcji i produkcji, średni dwusilnikowy bombowiec zbudowany w układzie dolnopłata o konstrukcji całkowicie metalowej z podwoziem chowanym w locie. Potrzeba skonstruowania takiego samolotu wynikała z kilku względów.
PZL.37 Łoś Medium Bomber | World War II Database - WW2DB
When the prototype flew in late 1936, it was among the world's more advanced medium bombers with a relatively high bomb load and having the versatility of being able to operate from rough airstrips. The second prototype was accepted, and the first 10 were produced in 1938 as the PZL.37A variant.
PZL.37 Łoś | Military Wiki | Fandom
The PZL.37 Łoś (English: elk) was a Polish twin-engine medium bomber, used in the defense of Poland against the Nazi German Invasion in 1939. It is sometimes[1] known as "PZL P-37" or "PZL P.37", but the letter "P" was generally reserved for fighters of Zygmunt Pulawski's design (such as the PZL...
PZL P.37 Los Twin-Engine Medium Bomber Aircraft - Military Factory
2020年9月24日 · One contributor to the failed mission became the PZL P.37 Los ('Moose'), a medium bomber design of twin-engine configuration. Over 120 of the type were produced and a portion of these saw active combat against Axis forces in …
P.37战斗机 - 百度百科
波兰航空工厂(PanstwoweZakladyLotnicze,简称PLZ)生产的P.37轰炸机(外号:麋鹿)是 二战 爆发前波兰空军最现代化的作战飞机,是30年代波兰航空工程人员聪明才智的体现,在当时堪称双发快速轰炸机的样板。 “麋鹿”是德国入侵时波兰装备的最现代化的战机,在技术上可与当时世界上最优秀的中型 轰炸机 媲美。 P.37/I型机是三架原型机中的第一架,于1936年6月首飞。 生产型战机获得了180架的订单,其中P.3 7A型机装备了8 73马力 (65 1千瓦)的“飞马”12B型发动 …
IBG 1/72 PZL P.37 Los, by Ryan Grosswiler - modelingmadness.com
2024年9月5日 · Medium bombers are supposed to attack the rear echelon, causing mayhem and loss in an enemy’s critical supply lines and communications. Instead, we read that the Polish Air Force squandered their state-of-the-artP.37 Łoś inappropriately down low in a close-air-support role against advancing German armored columns. Why?
PZL P.37 - 나무위키
2023年11月11日 · PZL.37/III:프랑스제 놈-론(Gnome-Rhone) 엔진으로 교체한 수출형의 원형기. PZL.37A:초기 생산형으로 페가수스 VIIB 엔진을 탑재하고 한 장의 수직미익을 갖췄으며 10대만 생산됨, PZL.37A bis:1차 개량형으로 페가수스 XII 엔진으로 강화하고 쌍수직 미익을 도입하여 19 ...
PZL P.37 "Los" by Artur Golebiewski (S Model 1/72) - HyperScale
Due to the flawed strategies and tactics of the Polish Air Force Command, these advanced aircraft were not utilized in any strategic roles. Instead, they were used to bomb German motorized columns. They did a good job of that holding up several columns for days but ultimately failed due to their small numbers and lack of fighter protection.
PZL P. 37 Los - War History
2020年6月15日 · By the advent of World War II in September 1939, the Polish air force could muster only 36 fully equipped P. 37s. Several score sat available in waiting but lacked bombsights and other essential equipment. Nonetheless, the Los roared into action, inflicting considerable damage upon advancing German columns.