PA-220 - EOL : r/paloaltonetworks - Reddit
2021年11月12日 · The PA-220 isn't listed as end of sale yet on their end of life page, but historically they have ended support 5 years after end of sale. Generally once a new model is replaced (e.g. the PA-220 replaced the PA-200) there was roughly a year or so overlap between the new product launch and the old product end of sale to give resellers a chance to ...
PA-220 Painfully Slow (?) : r/paloaltonetworks - Reddit
2017年9月8日 · I'm moving to PA and have used a lot of other firewalls, including Sophos UTM SG and yes, the PA-220 is VERY slow to administer in comparison. Some pages are slower than others. Commit's are very slow, again, in comparison, but a < 60 second commit isn't "painfully" slow IMO. This is just the way it is on the 220.
Using the PA-220 Lab Unit as home personal firewall - Any Issues
2018年6月12日 · Meaning that I can usee the PA-220 Lab Unit continuously without any time restrictions for more then a few years ? Is the Software in the PA-220 Lab Unit 100% exactly the same as in the "Retail" PA-220 "Non" Lab Unit ? Meaning there is absolutely no differences between the Software in the Retail PA-220 and the PA-220 Lab Unit ?
PA-220 Actual Throughput : r/paloaltonetworks - Reddit
2020年8月28日 · Well, a PA-220 can easily handle that bandwidth, but I'd never size for today, I size for 5-7 years from now. Go with the PA-820 of you've got the option. Also, whatever model you get, get two and do HA.
Swap device from PA-220 to PA-440 : r/paloaltonetworks - Reddit
2023年5月22日 · First step is going to be to upgrade your PA 220 to PAN-OS 10. After that, just do a config dump, export the name to config from the 220, and on the 440, you'll want to import, load, commit that config that you got from the 220. Reboot the 440, and you're good to go. It …
PA-220 Lab License Renewal : r/paloaltonetworks - Reddit
2022年4月12日 · PA-220 Lab License Renewal I have a PA-220 w/ lab license in my home lab and the licensing for this unit expired back in Sep 2021. I finally decided to renew the licensing for a year so I reached out to a vendor to get pricing back for the maintenance, which turned out to be quite a bit higher than I was expecting.
Can't access Palo Alto 220 WebInterface : r/paloaltonetworks
2023年4月3日 · /r/StableDiffusion is back open after the protest of Reddit killing open API access, which will bankrupt app developers, hamper moderation, and exclude blind users from the site.
PA-220 / PA-410 Commit Times? : r/paloaltonetworks - Reddit
2021年9月1日 · “Upgrading a PA-220 firewall takes up to an hour or more.” “PA-220 firewalls are experiencing slower web interface and CLI performance times.” There’s no assigned bug IDs however, so the question is if these known issues are informational only, or if there will be fixes.
Slow speeds after adding PA-220 : r/paloaltonetworks - Reddit
2021年1月2日 · Aside from that and setting up the DHCP server, the network is ISP router (Arris surfboard) --> PA-220 --> Ubiquiti switch --> Endpoints. The pa-220 is also pretty factory default, as I just got it live today and don't have any rules that I have set, personally. Unsure about what comes on it factory default.
PA-220 as a backup for PA-440? : r/paloaltonetworks - Reddit
2022年12月20日 · PA-220 would need to be on same (including the dynamic content, AV/App-ID, etc) for it to work. PA-220 on 10.1 code runs like utter dogshit (i.e. slow). The post was framed as "can it be done" - the answer to that is yes.