Why do people use (1 << PA0) when setting port?
Mar 18, 2016 · 1 << PA0 will shift 1 by PA0 to the left. Since PA0 is 0, there is no shift. But given 1 << 6 1 will become 0b1000000. Given13 << 6, it will shift 13, in binary which is 0b1101, over …
how can a GPIO of stm32 have many alternative functions?
\$\begingroup\$ thanks a lot, i know that reference manual does not say anything about how to map TIM5_CH1 or TIM8_ETR to PA0. then, problem arises, different functions share the same …
Is there a way to have an interrupt firing on both PA0 and PB0?
Apr 7, 2020 · It's true that number of external GPIO interrupts are limited to 16 and you can't configure PA0 and PB0 as source at the same time. However, external interrupts are not the …
STM32 wake up from standby by WKUP pin rising edge
Jul 11, 2018 · I want to wake up my stm32 controller from standby mode by giving a rising edge on WKUP pin, but there is a problem.
c - STM32 - TIM2_ETR pin, connected to pin PA0 (button), …
Oct 24, 2017 · I am trying to implement PWM LED dimming in 6 stages, where each stage in more bright, based on clicking button, which increments external pin, which serves the value to …
STM32F303VCT6 external interrupt with PA0 button won't toggle …
Feb 20, 2018 · I want to use a button connected to PA0 as an external interrupt to toggle LED on PE14 on button press. However calling the configure_PA0 function doesn't seem to work. I did …
c - Why isn't internal pull-down resistor working on …
Aug 10, 2021 · The user push button on your black pill board is connected between PA0 and GND. It makes no sense to configure PA0 with pull-down configuration. In this case, pushing …
Reason of wakeup from Standby mode in STM32F4 - Stack Overflow
Feb 28, 2017 · I need to know what was the reason for wakeup from standby mode in STM32F4. I'm using both the WKUP pin (PA0) and the RTC wakeup interrupt asnd I need to know upon …
GPIO extra interrupt in STM32 - Stack Overflow
Mar 21, 2020 · If you look into the STM32F103 Reference Manual p. 209, you will see that there is actually a multiplexer that decides if PA0, PB0, ... or PG0 is connected to the EXTI0 signal: …
c - STM32 - TIM2_ETR pin, connected to pin PA0 (button), …
Oct 24, 2017 · I am trying to implement PWM LED dimming in 10 stages, where each stage in more bright, based on clicking PA0 button, which increments external TIM2_ETR pin, which …