SAP PA03: Payroll Control Record Tutorial - Guru99
2024年8月20日 · It locks the SAP-HR Master Data against changes during a payroll run, which applies for the payroll past and payroll present. Changes that affect the future are still possible. It defines the greatest earliest retroactive Accounting period. The Payroll Control Record screen is divided into 4 sections:
Solved: what is the purpose of PA03 (Payroll Control recor... - SAP ...
2008年4月22日 · It locks the personnel numbers, for which payroll should be run, against master data changes that affect the payroll past or present. It locks the payroll for the period during which payroll-relevant changes are made to the master data for …
SAP Transaction PA03: A Comprehensive Guide for SAP Users
SAP Transaction PA03 (Display Payroll Data) is a key transaction code used in SAP for accessing and displaying personnel data related to payroll. It allows users to view and analyze employee payroll information, such as earnings, deductions, and tax details.
2023年11月5日 · 以下是sap各模块常用的tcode: 1. fi模块:fb01(录入凭证)、fb50(录入会计凭证)、fbl3n(总账科目明细账)、fs10n(总账科目余额查询)等。 FI模块:FB01(录入凭证)、FB50(录入会计凭证)、FBL3N(总账科目明细账)、FS10N(总账科目余额查询)等。
SAP-hr 常用T-CODE - SAP后勤及HR - ITPUB论坛-专业的IT技术社区
2012年3月15日 · pc00_m99_pa03_relea(发布工资) pc00_m28_calc(起始工资核算) pc00_m99_pa03_check(检查工资发放结果) pc00_m99_abkrs(设置工资发放范围 pu01(删除工资核算结果) pa03(控制记录) pu03(维护工资核算状态) pc00_m99_cipe(工资过帐). 特别查询: s_ph0_48000510" zhrr0005(职工花 ...
SAP PA03:薪资控制记录教程 · Guru99 中文系列教程 · 看云
它将锁定 SAP-HR 主数据以防止在工资核算期间发生更改,这适用于过去的工资核算和当前的工资核算。 影响未来的变化仍然是可能的。 它定义了最早的追溯 会计 期间。 薪资范围:此部分指示薪资控制记录适用的薪资范围。 对于每个工资核算区域,一次只能存在一个工资核算控制记录。 工资核算状态:此部分以绿色勾号指示当前正在运行工资核算的阶段。 它还定义了具有确切日期的当前工资核算期间,并指示已运行工资核算的次数。 最早的追溯期:此部分指示追溯会计的最 …
2021年3月27日 · 1.pa03 修改工资计算状态. 2.执行工资核算 pc00_m28_calc. 3.查看核算结果pc_payresult
SAP HCM Payroll control record – SAP tutorials - WordPress.com
2020年3月25日 · Tcode for entering a payroll control record is PA03 and it is based on payroll area (data entered in infotype 0001-Organizational assignment). Main function is to lock all personnel numbers (and their master data) which are in selected payroll area.
Solved: Payroll Tcodes - SAP Community
2010年9月20日 · The payroll area A1 in correction status (goto tcode PA03 and check A1 payroll area to view its current status), that is the reason you are not able to execute the below transactions: 1. PC00_M99_PA03_CHECK - Check Result (this tcode is to verify the payroll) 2.
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Wage type statement (US stand.) Int.