PA612主要用于:制高级牙刷和其它工业用 鬃丝,也可用于制作精密机械部件和电线电缆被覆涂层、输油管、耐油绳索、传送带、轴承、衬垫等,军工上可用于制枪托、钢盔和军用电缆等 [1]。
Crystal Structure and Mechanical Properties of Uniaxially Stretched ...
2020年3月23日 · The effects of SiO 2 and the stretching process on the morphology, crystallization behavior, the crystal orientation of PA612 films were investigated in detail, and furthermore the mechanical properties of the stretched films were studied to shed light on the processing-structure-property relationships of the PA612 nanocomposites.
(PDF) Crystal Structure and Mechanical Properties of Uniaxially ...
2020年3月23日 · The results showed that the α phase was the dominant phase in PA612 casting film, no obvious γ phase was observed, while both stretching and the presence of SiO2 can induce the generation of α...
Crystal Structure and Mechanical Properties of Uniaxially Stretched ...
2020年3月23日 · The results showed that the α phase was the dominant phase in PA612 casting film, no obvious γ phase was observed, while both stretching and the presence of SiO 2 can induce the generation of α phase and improve the crystallinity of PA612.
Properties of polyamide 612/poly (vinyl alcohol) blends and …
2018年8月14日 · The significantly improved oxygen barrier and free volume properties for the PA612 x PVA zy blend films with optimized compositions is at least in part to the enhanced intermolecular interactions between PA612 carbonyl groups and PVA hydroxyl groups.
全面解析新能源汽车冷却管关键材料——长碳链尼龙PA612 - 艾邦 …
目前国际上主要使用长碳链尼龙PA12来挤出直管或波纹管用于新能源汽车的冷却管路应用。 表1 代表性尼龙性能对比. PA12树脂的合成工艺长且复杂,国内目前还未实现产业化,主要依赖国外进口。 为保证供应链安全,寻找合适的替代材料至关重要。 基于此,会通于2018年正式启动新能源汽车冷却管聚酰胺材料项目研发工作。 从长碳链尼龙聚合开始对不同种类的长碳链尼龙进行筛选,结合长碳链尼龙的力学、热力学、流变性、耐化学、以及耐乙二醇水解等性能,最终选定 …
2022年2月8日 · The presence of m-ZnO gives PA612 antibacterial properties. m-ZnO/PA612 nanocomposite film has a good inhibitory effect on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus.
PA612 Double Bubble Tubular Film Process - Semantic Scholar
2001年9月1日 · The WAXD and SAXS patterns showed that the crystallites of double bubble PA612 films became more perfect by annealing in a boiling 20% formic acid solution, resulting in a well-developed triclinic α crystals coexisting with minor proportion of β phase.
PA612 Double Bubble Tubular Film Process - De Gruyter
2001年9月1日 · Biaxially oriented Polyamide 612 (PA612) films made by double bubble tubular film extrusion were characterized. The processing characteristics of the polymer in the double bubble process were investigated. The development of crystallinity and orientation in the films was clearly considered.
UBE NYLON® 7024 B | PA612 | 宇部德国 (UBE)-阿技材料库
产品描述 UBE NYLON 7024 B is a medium viscosity PA6/12 Copolyamide. It is suitable for applications with indirect food contact according FDA and EU regulations. The grade can be used for cast film and blown film (air or water cooled). This material has following 属性 资料 供应商 单位转换 国际单位 公制单位 英制单位