TGA plots of PAA, PAACS, and PAAALG nanofibers. Note: PAA, …
The synthesis results show that most of the analysis of TP in PAA-based hydrogel consists of glass transition temperature ([Formula: see text]), melting temperature ([Formula: see text]), and ...
Journal of Applied Polymer Science | Wiley Online Library
2006年8月29日 · Thermal analysis (TGA and DTA) of samples of PAA, PVP, PAA–PVP complexes, containing different weight fractions of PAA and ternary polymer–metal–polymer complexes, were studied. The activation energy parameters …
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) traces under nitrogen of pure PAA …
Poly (acrylic acid) (PAA) was chosen as a first block to obtain a precomposite CNT-PAA which is readily dispersible in various solvents including water. The immobilization of...
Thermal properties and TGA–FTIR studies of polyacrylic and ...
2000年6月1日 · In PAA, the highest TD corresponds to the undoped polymer, 546°C, but in PMMA, the Pd doped polymer increases the TD2 from 467 to 469°C for the lowest molecular weight. In fact, the TD of the highest molecular weight polymer increases 27°C …
Layer-by-Layer self-assembly of polyaspartate and …
2011年11月1日 · Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were modified by polyaspartate (PAA) and poly (ethyleneimine) (PEI) via Layer-by-Layer self-assembly. Two steps were involved in: the first was to coat MNPs by PAA at pH = 6; the second was to coat the former by PEI.
Tripolymeric nanocomposites of polyacrylic acid (PAA), polyethylmethacrylate (PEMA), and carbox-ymethyl cellulose (CMC) are synthesized by emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization technique with...
聚酰亚胺薄膜的制备及其结构与性能分析——推荐一个高分子化学 …
亚胺化阶段升温(t 1 –t 2)可以适当提高升温速度到5–10 ℃∙min −1 ,其中亚胺化终止温度T i 应参考PAA的热失重(TGA)或差示扫描量热法(DSC)分析数据得到。
用TGA和DSC研究聚(丙烯酸)和聚(丙烯酸-聚丙烯酰胺)配合物 …
用热重分析(TGA)和差示扫描量热分析(DSC)研究了聚(丙烯酸)PAA和聚(丙烯酰胺)PAAm以及从它们的相互作用中获得的化合物的热降解。 对热曲线的检查表明,由协作相互作用产生的化合物的曲线的特性不同于组成聚合物的曲线的特性。 热曲线特性的差异归因于在低pH值下PAA与PAAm的相互作用导致互聚物复合物的形成。 这两种热技术也用于研究由PAA和(PAA-PAAm)混合物与骨粉(BP)和羟基磷灰石(HA)的相互作用获得的化合物的热行为。 发 …
Tuning the heat dissipated by polyacrylic acid (PAA)-coated
2023年11月2日 · Herein, we focused on probing the thermal abilities of polyacrylic acid (PAA)-decorated MNPs (PMNPs) under alternating magnetic field (AMF) with different frequencies and field amplitudes. The as-prepared PMNPs were fully characterized using various techniques including TEM, FTIR, DLS, TGA, and VSM.
study the shape memory polymers of dispersing PAA-GO into the PVA mixture. They create a PVA/PAA-GO with 3% lms for thermal and near-Infrared light brought shape memory. This study combines high mechanical strength with the capacity to rebuild the mechanical damage with the exhausted form memory of the PAA-GO composites. Rein-