Understanding USMC Page 11 and 6105 - JustAnswer
A "pg 11" refers to an entry in the Marine Service Record Book (on page 11). 6105 refers to the paragraph of the the Marine Corps Separations Manual that deals with formal counseling. …
What is the purpose of the USMC 6105 Page 11 entry and the
Thanks for the chance to help. I am an attorney with over 12 years military law experience. Pg 11 is the Marine Corps section in the Service Record Book (SRB) to document counseling.
What Happens If You Fail a PFT or CFT in the USMC? - JustAnswer
A page 11, 6105 counseling entry is required when a Marine has failed a PFT/CFT/PPFT/PCFT in accordance with reference (i) for enlisted personnel, and enclosure (3) of reference (l) for …
Does Two USMC 6105 page 11 entries warrant an njp? - JustAnswer
So, the question is a bit vague, because it doesn't really give an indication of the facts behind either Page 11 entry. If you'd like to address those more specifically, please use REPLY and …
USMC 6105 and OMPF: Expert Answers to Your Questions
Customer: I'm curious as to how I might be able to have a 6105 Page 11 entry expunged from my OMPF. It was for a violation of Article 134 of the UCMJ for an inappropriate relationship with …
USMC SEPS Manual & Marine Corps Regulations - Expert Q&A
Reserve Bn Commander that continually threatens to give his reserve Marines 6105's for minor issues (issues that should be handled with counseling or regular page 11 entries). A 6105 and …
6105 USMC: Expert Answers to Your Questions on Military …
By definition, one 6105 can be enough to administratively separate you. It is paragraph 6105 of the separations manual and states specific verbiage that must be on a pg 11 entry. Specifically …
I have been in the USMC for 9 yrs, and I have gotten 2 NJP's and a …
Customer: I have been in the USMC for 9 yrs, and I have gotten 2 NJP's and a page 11, what type of discharge might I get, and if a general discharge do I still rate VA benifits Answered by …
What Happens If You Fail a PFT in the USMC? | Expert Q&A
They should have given you a 6105/pg 11 after the 1st failure. IF they did give you a pg 11/6015 after the 1st failure, then that satisfies DoDI 1332.14 requirements you be given notice and a …
Understanding Page 11s and NJPs in the USMC | Expert Q&A
If someone has 3 page 11s can they be seperated even if there are not NJPs