punctuation - Typographical symbol to indicate page - English …
2013年10月12日 · In addition to the answer offered by Lauren Ipsum, the electronic era of document control has introduced a number of symbols for page through the requirement to …
symbols - What is the difference between a ¶ Pilcrow Sign and the ...
2015年8月4日 · A google search for the section symbol produces mostly legal writings, and I've pored over legal journals and codes of law in school--I think I've seen many instances where …
abbreviations - Usage of "p." versus "pp." versus "pg." to denote …
2011年3月1日 · The APA style of referencing, which I have most frequently used, requires that p. is used for single page references or citations (Book Title, p. 13) while for multiple pages you …
expressions - How to use "continued" at a bottom of a page?
2016年3月5日 · TOPIC NAME from page X; There is a formal name for these kinds of instructions. They are called a: Jump line. a directional line of print (as “continued on page 7, …
Is there a standard symbol for denoting a chapter in a citation?
2023年9月4日 · The section symbol § when handwritten is sometimes drawn as an S with a circle around the middle. One of my mathematics professors similarly denoted a chapter as a C but …
"page 2" or "Page 2"? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2010年8月19日 · There is a difference between "page 2" and "Section 2". Wherever the "Section 2" is located, the author most likely has actually given it the title "Section 2", so that is the …
Origin of | (pipe symbol) - English Language & Usage Stack …
2012年8月22日 · One use of the pipe symbol in typesetting is for the (usually fifth) footnote at the bottom of a page. In this case, it is doubled and called parallels (||). Talking of the asterisk and …
What do you call the publisher's logo on the title page and spine …
2011年4月8日 · That would be called "the Publisher's Logo." Perhaps you are referring to the material which describes who designed the book; the publisher's data; the materials used in its …
What is the name of the glyph that separates sections of a chapter ...
2016年3月14日 · As explained by this page on Wikipedia, it's called a section break. I point you to the text of the annotation on the right side of the page where it pairs this term with the same …
typography - When a dagger is used to indicate a note, must it …
2013年2月3日 · You use the symbols in a specific order that starts with the asterisk and then continues with the dagger, double dagger, section mark, parallels, and number sign. If you …