Pakhet - Wikipedia
In Egyptian mythology, Pakhet, Egyptian Pḫ.t, meaning she who scratches (also spelt Pachet, Pehkhet, Phastet, and Pasht) is a lioness goddess of war.
帕赫特(Pakhet) 古埃及神话中狮形女神,素有“敏锐之目”、“利爪”之称;常与其他狮形女神相混同。 它与加冕仪式密切相关。 在后来的时代,被认为是穆特的一种形式。 其崇奉地为贝尼一 …
Pakhet 'Night Huntress': Egyptian War-Like Lioness Goddess Associated ...
2019年3月4日 · More exactly, as a lioness goddess, Pakhet ruled the Eastern part of Sahara Desert, located east of the Nile river, between the river and the Red Sea. Referred to as “She …
Pakhet: Mythical Creature
Pakhet, also known as Pḫ.t, is a lioness goddess of war in Egyptian mythology. She is often depicted with the head of a lioness and the body of a woman, wearing a sun disk and uraeus …
Pakhet: Egyptian Lioness Goddess Of War And Power
2024年6月12日 · Pakhet is an Egyptian lioness goddess of war, hunting, and storms. She is known as She Who Scratches and is a symbol of strength and protection. Pakhet is linked to …
Pakhet Egyptian Goddess: Unveiling the Fierce Warrior and Divine ...
Pakhet Egyptian goddess, also known as Lady Pakhet, was a revered deity in ancient Egypt. Represented as a lioness, she was associated with war, hunting, and storms. Her titles …
In Egyptian mythology, Pakhet, meaning "She who Tears" (also spelt Pachet, Pehkhet, Phastet, and Pasht) is considered a synthesis of Bast and Sekhmet, ancient deities in the two Egypts …
Pakhet | Religion Wiki | Fandom
The most famous temple of Pakhet was an underground, cavernous shrine that was built by Hatshepsut near al Minya, [1] among thirty-nine ancient tombs of Middle Kingdom nomarchs of …
Pakhet - 𓏞𓀀 Sesh Kemet Egyptian Scribe 𓆎𓅓𓏏𓊖
Weret Hekau (Equated with) Sekhmet (Equated with) Auset/Isis (Equated with) Bast/Bastet (Equated with) Artemis (Greek Equivalent) Celebrations Offering items Protects Other names …
帕赫特(埃及神话 狮形女神)_技点百科_技点网
帕赫特(Pakhet)是古埃及神话中狮形女神,素有“敏锐之目”、“利爪”之称;常与其他狮形女神相混同。 其崇奉地为贝尼―哈桑,人们视之为东部沙漠的统御者。