Pakku Comics - Comic Vine
Pakku Character » Pakku appears in 2 issues . Master Pakku is a Waterbending master and instructor of the North Pole's Northern Water Tribe Waterbending classes.
Katara vs Pakku (ATLA: BOOK 2) - Battles - Comic Vine
2022年4月13日 · i think katara surpassed pakku in book 3. by book 2 he should still be above her slightly. by feats katara wins though, and even in book 2 she may have a raw power edge based on what was shown.
Jeong Jeong vs. Master Pakku - Battles - Comic Vine
2016年4月20日 · The Comet is a much bigger amp then the full moon, and amped jets let him get around Pakku's environmental advantage. For round 2, JJ's firewall is absolutely nuts, and a good candidate for best ...
Avatar's Underrated Threats: Pakku - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine
2021年9月18日 · Pakku. Pakku is one of the most underrated waterbenders in the Avatar universe in my opinion. This isn't a respect thread, it's a concise view of what makes Pakku a threat in the first place, and ...
Ming Hua vs Pakku - Battles - Comic Vine
2016年10月11日 · Pakku suffers from Ozai syndrome, in that he lacks feats without being amped. Though maybe a little less than Ozai. Season 1 Katara gave him a decent fight, though he wasn't really trying.
Pakku vs Azula - Battles - Comic Vine
2021年5月25日 · Pakku AzulaWin by any meansBasic knowledgeIn characterStart 30 ft awayFight on Aystarr IslandRound 1. Pre-breakdown AzulaRound 2. Insane AzulaRound 3.
Pakku vs Combustion Man - Battles - Comic Vine
2023年4月29日 · Pakku Combustion Man. Win by any means; Basic knowledge; In character; Start 100 meters apart; Fight in the Northern Water Tribe during the Full Moon
Tenzin vs Pakku - Battles - Comic Vine
Pakku wins after a great fight. While in a neutral locale I favor Tenzin by a clear margin, the Pole & Nighttime Conditions all around edge things too notably to Pakku's side--it'd still be a ...
Katara VS Pakku - Battles - Comic Vine
Pakku was a Northern-style waterbending master and instructor who possessed immense skill and power, and was once regarded as the best waterbender in the world. Pakku himself had admitted that ...
Master Pakku vs Azula - Battles - Comic Vine
Area - Northern Water Tribe Both at full power Battle 1 - Morals, full moon Battle 2- Morals, crescent moon Battle 3- Sunset, Morals Battle 4- noon