Bought a 3090, loud as hell, unusually hot? Disappointed.
2003年6月11日 · The 3090 runs hot and my 3080 (340w card at stock) with one of best coolers still ran it's ram into the 92-94 degree range and all the memory chips on a 3080 are …
PCB layout and water-cooling the RTX 3000 Series - [H]ard|Forum
2016年5月31日 · Palit GeForce RTX 3090 GamingPro (NED3090019SB-132BA) Palit GeForce RTX 3090 GamingPro OC (NED3090S19SB-132BA) PNY GeForce RTX 3080 10GB XLR8 …
Rtx 3090 and 9700K underperforming in Crysis Remaster.
2017年3月16日 · Hi. Pc: 9700K stock 4600mhz Aorus Z390 Pro Gaming 2x16 GB DDR4 GSKILL Palit Rtx 3090 Pro Gaming Seasonic 750W-TX Ultra Platinum Prime I compared my fps in …
5080 Reviews - [H]ard|Forum
2025年1月26日 · Latest benchmark reviews on the 5080, it's 10% to 15% faster than the 4080, which is a joke as the 4080 was 50% faster than the 3080, and the 3080 also 50% faster than …
RTX 3080 Black Screen Crash and Fans at 100% **My solution, and …
2012年11月11日 · Then click "Apply". No need to Save your overclocking profile, since it won't hold, unfortunately. But, you can still try.
Ugly GPUs | Page 8 | [H]ard|Forum
2018年6月13日 · Palit 3090 Ti: Reactions: revenant, AlphaQup and Sir Beregond. like this. Mar 29, 2022 #303 R. RazorWind ...
EVGA 3080 black screen issue. Anyone else. - [H]ard|Forum
2001年2月11日 · I strongly suggest when you RMA the card, just sell it (at these inflated prices) and buy something known stable, like an Asus Tuf or Strix, or a Palit or even a Zotac (God …
Which RTX 4090 card are you planning or consider to get?
2022年10月6日 · Wanted a 3080, 6800XT or 6900XT but I managed to get the 3090 into my cart and check out. Now if history repeats itself a new Elder Scrolls game will probably get me to …
Coil Whine on Nvidia 4090 and 4080 cards - [H]ard|Forum
2008年6月7日 · I get tired of most people claiming coil whine only happens at very high framerates. I had two FE 3080 ti cards and an FE 3090 and all three had tons of coil whine …
RTX 5090 failures - [H]ard|Forum
2025年2月4日 · Like with 3090 and 4090, the amount of clearly first time GPU (seemingly custom PC in general) buyers i've encountered that somehow got their hands on a 5090 and are …