Palpebrae | definition of palpebrae by Medical dictionary
One of the two movable folds covering the front of the eyeball when closed; formed of a fibrous core (tarsal plate) and the palpebral portions of the orbicularis oculi muscle covered with skin on the superficial, anterior surface and lined with conjunctiva on the deep, posterior surface; rapid contraction of the contained muscle fibers produces ...
Eyelid - Wikipedia
"Palpebral" (and "blepharal") means relating to the eyelids. Its key function is to regularly spread the tears and other secretions on the eye surface to keep it moist, since the cornea must be continuously moist. They keep the eyes from drying out when asleep. Moreover, the blink reflex protects the eye from foreign bodies.
PALPEBRAL中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
PALPEBRAL翻译:眼睑的。 了解更多。
Levator palpebrae superioris muscle - Wikipedia
The levator palpebrae superioris (Latin: elevating muscle of upper eyelid) is the muscle in the orbit that elevates the upper eyelid. [1][2] The levator palpebrae superioris originates from inferior surface of the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone, just above the optic foramen.
Eyelids - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The eyelids (palpebræ) are two thin, movable folds, placed in front of the eye, protecting it from injury by their closure. The upper eyelid is the larger, and the more movable of the two, and is furnished with an elevator muscle, the Levator palpebræ superioris.
The Eyelids - Conjunctiva - Muscles - TeachMeAnatomy
2020年10月25日 · Palpebral part – gently closes the eyelids. Lacrimal part – involved in the drainage of tears. Orbital part – tightly closes the eyelids. Sagittal section of the orbit, demonstrating the layers of the eyelid. The tarsal plates are located deep to the palpebral region of the orbicularis oculi muscle.
Palpebra | definition of palpebra by Medical dictionary
One of two movable folds that cover the front of the eyeball when closed; formed of a fibrous core (tarsal plate) and the palpebral portions of the orbicularis oculi muscle covered with skin on the superficial, anterior surface and lined with conjunctiva on the deep, posterior surface; rapid contraction of the contained muscle fibers produces bl...
Eyelid Anatomy: Parts, Layers, and Function of Palpebrae
2023年2月18日 · Any medical words related to eyelid has a prefix palpebra-, e.g., palpebral fissure, levator palpebrae superioris, palpebral glands. The eyelids are derived from surface …
Palpebral conjunctiva - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The Palpebral conjunctiva (Palpebral Portion) is thick, opaque, highly vascular, and covered with numerous papillæ, its deeper part presenting a considerable amount of lymphoid tissue.
Anatomy, Head and Neck: Levator Palpebrae Superioris Muscle
2024年5月7日 · The levator palpebrae superioris is a triangular muscle that elevates and retracts the upper eyelid (see Image. Orbital Muscles). This muscle has an abundant blood supply mainly provided by the ophthalmic and supraorbital arteries, …