Pantsir missile system - Wikipedia
The Pantsir-S1 was designed to provide point air defence of military, industrial and administrative installations against aircraft, helicopters, precision munitions, cruise missiles and UAVs; and to provide additional protection to air defence units against enemy air attacks employing precision munitions, especially at low to extremely low ...
Pancir-S1 – Wikipedie
Pancir-S1 (rusky Панцирь-С1, v kódu NATO SA-22 „Greyhound“) je ruský hybridní samohybný protiletadlový systém krátkého a středního dosahu, který je určen k obraně civilních a vojenských objektů proti současným a perspektivním prostředkům vzdušného napadení. Byl zaznamenán v řadách proruských separatistů během války na východní Ukrajině. [1]
Pantsyr-S1弹炮合一防空系统 - 百度百科
俄制Pantsyr-S1又称之为Pantsir,是一套用于保护各种地面设施的近距离防空系统。 其所防各种武器包括固定翼飞机和直升机、弹道导弹和巡航导弹、精确制导弹药和无人机等等,它还能攻击有轻型装甲的地面目标。
Pantsir-S1 | War Thunder Wiki
The Pantsir-S1 is a Russian SPAA designed with the intent of complementing and enhancing the existing air defence capabilities for military, industrial, and administrative installations. The development of the Pantsir-S1 can be traced back to the early 1990s, when the Russian military realised it needed an adaptable short-to-medium-range air ...
Pantsir S1 - Radartutorial
The Pantsir S1 (Cyrillic: Панцирь-С1, Russian designator: 96K6, NATO: SA-22 Greyhound) is a self-propelled combined short to medium range surface-to-air missile and anti-aircraft artillery weapon system. The system is armed with two twin 30 mm 2A38M cannons and two six round surface to air missile launchers firing the 57E6 missile.
Pantsir S-1 - Missile Threat
2021年7月6日 · Using its solid-state search radar, the Pantsir can track up to 20 tactical aircraft-sized targets at a range of 32-36 km. After detection, the system can select targets with its high-frequency engagement radar or optional thermal imaging sensor.
2024年10月8日 · 俄罗斯国防工业继续批量生产铠甲-S1防空导弹和火炮系统。 部队定期收到新批次的此类装备及其弹药。 在发布防空导弹系统的同时,它们也在进行现代化改造。 特种作战期间的战斗使用经验为改进装备和提高其基本特性提供了新的机会。 ZRPK 96K6“Pantsir-S1”的生产由图拉仪器设计局(Rostec 国营公司 High-Precision Complexes 控股公司的一部分)进行。 KBP每年都会生产并向武装部队转让数批此类装备,近年来生产速度显着加快。 1月XNUMX日,《 …
Pantsir S1 in Serbian Service - Tank Encyclopedia
2023年10月30日 · In 2019, Serbia made a deal with Russia, acquiring six Pantsir S1 self propelled anti-aircraft systems, significantly boosting Serbia’s anti-aircraft defense capabilities. The Pantsir S1 was designed as a versatile complex intended to engage multiple targets at once using two 30 mm cannons and guided missiles.
Pantsir S1 (2008) - Truck Encyclopedia
The Pantsir-S1 is a mobile, point air defence of any valued asset against aircraft, helicopters and even precision munitions or cruise missiles, as well as UAVs. It especially efficient at extremely low altitudes and is often see a good complement to the S-300 system.
Category : Pantsir-S1 - Wikimedia
2024年8月30日 · English: Pantsir-S1 (NATO reporting name SA-22 Greyhound) is a combined short to medium range surface-to-air missile and anti-aircraft artillery weapon system produced by KBP of Tula, Russia. The system is a further development of SA-19/SA-N-11 and represents the latest air defence technology by using phased-array radars for both target ...