Pandur II (8×8) - Wikipedia
The Pandur II is an improved modular all-wheel-drive version of the Pandur 6×6 APC wheeled armoured vehicle. It was developed as a private venture by the Austrian company Steyr-Daimler-Puch Spezialfahrzeuge. Steyr-Daimler-Puch Spezialfahrzeuge is part of General Dynamics European Land Systems ...
潘德Ⅱ型装甲车 - 百度百科
潘德Ⅱ型装甲车(Pandur II)也译作“游骑兵Ⅱ”型装甲车,是奥地利的一款八轮或六轮装甲车,现为葡萄牙陆军主力装甲车种,2006年捷克陆军与奥地利斯太尔-戴姆勒-普赫(Steyr-Daimler-Puch)公司签订8.2亿欧元协议购买234辆以上。
潘德2型裝甲車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
潘德2型裝甲車 (德語: Pandur II),是 奧地利 的一款八輪裝甲車(也有六輪版本),目前為 葡萄牙陸軍 (葡萄牙語:Exército Português) 的主力 裝甲戰鬥車輛。 2006年, 捷克陸軍 (捷克語:Pozemní síly Armády České republiky) 與奧地利 斯太爾-戴姆勒-普赫 公司簽訂8.2億 歐元 之協議購買234輛以上。 潘德2型裝甲車在配備參孫遙控武器系統的運兵車、指揮車與步兵戰車基本型基礎上衍生出各種車型,分別有迫砲車、飛彈車、輪式戰車、救護車、回收車、雷達車等,改 …
潘德2型装甲车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年7月25日 · 潘德2型装甲车 (德语: Pandur II),是 奥地利 的一款八轮装甲车(也有六轮版本),目前为 葡萄牙陆军 (葡萄牙语:Exército Português) 的主力 装甲战斗车辆。 2006年, 捷克陆军 (捷克语:Pozemní síly Armády České republiky) 与奥地利 斯太尔-戴姆勒-普赫 公司签订8.2亿 欧元 之协议购买234辆以上。 潘德2型装甲车在配备参孙遥控武器系统的运兵车、指挥车与步兵战车基本型基础上衍生出各种车型,分别有迫炮车、导弹车、轮式战车、救护车、回收 …
Pandur II 6x6 and 8x8 Light Armoured Vehicles - Army Technology
2021年8月10日 · The Pandur II 6×6 and 8×8 family of light armoured vehicles is a variant of the successful Pandur armoured personnel carrier. The vehicles have proven off-road capabilities and excellent manoeuvrability and can be used for crossing water …
Pandur II Modular Wheeled Military Vehicle - Military Factory
2023年7月16日 · The Pandur II is the direct evolution of the original Pandur which emerged from Austria in 1996 and went on to find a modest customer base that included the United States Army. In its original form, the vehicle showcased a 6x6 all-wheeled drive arrangement, was powered by a 6-cylinder Steyr diesel engine, and carried a crew of two with eight ...
Detailed analysis of the Pandur II 8×8 EVO armored vehicle
The Pandur II is a modular, eight-wheel drive evolution of the Pandur 6×6 APC, initially developed by Austrian Steyr-Daimler-Puch Spezialfahrzeuge, part of GDELS, together with MOWAG and Santa Bárbara Sistemas. It is available in 6×6 and 8×8 configurations, optimized for off-road use and equipped with advanced protection, including mine ...
Pandur II - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The Pandur II 8x8 is an eight-wheel drive, armored multi-purpose military vehicle that delivers top performance in all terrain or in any body of water. The vehicle can be configured for a wide range of missions from Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) to Fire Support Vehicle.
PANDUR II EVO - defence.czechoslovakgroup.com
PANDUR II EVO. A new generation of wheeled combat vehicles. ... Its main armament consists of a 30 mm Mk.44 Bushmaster II cannon with an elevation range of −15 to +60 degrees and electrical stabilization, a 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun is also mounted in the turret.
Pandur 6x6 Wheeled Armoured Vehicles - Army Technology
2000年4月26日 · Pandur II. Steyr-Daimler Puch has developed the Pandur II, which began trials in September 2001. Pandur II is available in 6×6 and 8×8 versions. It is powered by a more powerful 355hp Cummins ISC 350 diesel engine and has an extended wheelbase and modified hull. The first 8×8 prototype is an IFV armed with a 30mm cannon.