Panduri - Wikipedia
The panduri (Georgian: ფანდური) is a traditional Georgian three-string plucked instrument common in all regions of Eastern Georgia: such as Pshav-Khevsureti, Tusheti, Kakheti and Kartli. The panduri is generally used to accompany solo heroic, comic and love songs, as well as dance.
:: Georgian Folk Music Instruments - Panduri - hangebi.ge
2003年1月11日 · “Panduri” is a traditional Georgian three-string instrument widely spread in all regions of East Georgia: such as Pshavkhevsureti, Tusheti, Kakheti and Kartli. In general, Panduri is generally used as an accompaniment instrument (it accompanies one-part heroic, comic and love songs, but sometimes it is used in dances too).
Learn To Play Panduri - YouTube
I'll teach you everything you need to know, from how to hold your panduri, to strumming patterns, to chords, to song tutorials and covers for both Georgian songs and foreign songs!
Panduri:一种来自格鲁吉亚的乐器,类型的弦弹拨格鲁吉亚巴拉 …
Panduri 调音是第二季,通常这样调音: 第一个字符串 – Mi E C# A; 第二串 – Do#(与第 1 弦一致地挤压第 3 品音); 第三串 - La(在第 4 品上它与第 2 弦一致,在第 7 品上与第 1 弦一致)。 由于打开(不是压弦),形成了大和弦 A (A)。
panduri · Grinnell College Musical Instrument Collection · Grinnell ...
The panduri is a strummed bowl-lute chordophone of Georgia, which is located in western Asia between the Black and Caspian Seas. It is associated with several ethnic groups most of whom live in villages in the eastern mountainous area (the Caucasus) of Georgia.
Trenck's Pandurs - Wikipedia
Trenck's Pandurs (Croatian: Panduri, German: Panduren, Hungarian: Pandúr) were a light infantry unit of the Habsburg monarchy that was raised by Baron Franz von der Trenck under a charter issued by Maria Theresa of Austria in 1741.
Panduri: musical instrument from Georgia, types of stringed …
Panduri refers to string-plucked musical instruments, consists of a body, neck, head, and also has three strings. In form and appearance, there are some similarities with the balalaika. The instrument was most widespread in Georgia, but it is considered a symbol of its eastern part.
Panduri - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Back view of panduri with body made of ribs. Front view of panduri with body made of ribs. Georgian panduri (carved version) from back This page was last changed on 20 October 2022, at 06:40. Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License and the GFDL; additional terms may ...
Pandur - Wikipedia
In early 19th century Wallachia, being a Pandur was a fixed, legally recognized social status - whether or not one was a member of a specific military unit.This social condition had a considerable bearing on the central role played by Pandurs in the Wallachian uprising of 1821.. Trenck's Pandurs living history troop from Požega, Croatia. By the middle of the 18th century, law enforcement in ...
Panduri - Wikipedia
Pandurii (din croată panduri) au fost inițial trupe neregulate, al căror prim obiectiv era purtarea unui război de gherilă și lupta în formații desfășurate. La origine, denumirea de panduri o aveau gărzile de corp înarmate ale nobililor croați din secolele XVII-XVIII, din regiunea Slavonia .