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Panftr. The second iteration of the *ftr style games. This one introduced the rolling mechanic. Vore type is mostly endo, as Pan is considered to be indestructible. That doesn't means you can escape every enemy once eaten. Enemies: 20 Enemy info Download complete game Play
Index - Ftr Games
Panftr. The second iteration of the *ftr style games. This one introduced the rolling mechanic. Vore type is mostly endo, as Pan is considered to be indestructible. That doesn't means you can escape every enemy once eaten. Download complete game Play
Panftr Player! -Vore Game- by alsnapz -- Fur Affinity [dot] net
Panftr! Spiritual successor to Barbftr, featuring the same wonderful gameplay you're used to with an array of new, interesting creatures! This is an interactive VORE GAME. It focuses mainly on Endo/Nonfatal vore types. Special thanks to ImaginaryZ for coding work! Lord knows this all wouldn't have been possible without his help. Wanna play it ...
关于panftr-vore的人物添加与下载地址。 - 哔哩哔哩
1,先下载想要的人物的swf文件,(也可以自己做)(以amethyst为例)。 2,创建一个文本文档。 3,输入以下指令。 (“人物文件名”处一次只能加一个文件名,若一次想多加两个人物请在第二行后面按回车输入<enemy path=& #34;第二个人物的文件名.swf&# 34; />以此类推) <xml> <enemy path=& #34;人物文件名.swf&# 34; /> </xml> 实例. 4,打开此新建文本文档所在的文件夹位置(我新建在了桌面上) 5,显示文件扩展名(在显示/隐藏这一栏里,如图) 6,把扩展名 …
PANFTR RELEASED -- alsnapz's Journal -- Fur Affinity [dot] net
2010年2月22日 · The cartoony artstyle really brings it together. The Barbftr game (the older versions with the woman playable character) always looked kinda weird.
有哪些vore游戏呀 - 百度贴吧
除了上面说的barbftr,panftr,helixftr,还有It's a gluttonous life(虽然作者建模水平有待提升)除了这些我就只有vore文字冒险游戏了
Liz - Panftr by alsnapz -- Fur Affinity [dot] net
It might be wrong, but similar like putting the new generation games into the old generation computer and make it crashes, maybe the panftr player doesn't matches the flash update version with the Liz? It's just my idea, don't believe too much though... Huzzah! She is finally ready at last!
NEW PANFTR ENEMY go PLAY! -- ImaginaryZ's Journal - Fur Affinity
2011年1月2日 · Panftr offline player update! ALSO, I uploaded source files for Theri and ToughLizard so people can see how to make panftr enemies. Click on their links in my scraps. …
Panftr | Sierra's Belly Dance - YouTube
Panftr was created by Alsnapzyou can play panftr for yourself here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/17371095/Alsnapz: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/alsnapz/
Index - Ftr Games
The latest iteration of the *ftr style games. As such it contains more refined looking and behaving enemies. Download complete game Play
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