Marvel's Ultimate Sorcerer Supreme Debuts and It's Not Who …
2024年10月7日 · Marvel reveals the Ultimate Sorcerer Supreme in Ultimate Black Panther #9. Killmonger goes on to say that someone (Black Panther) wants their help, but the sorcerer has been imprisoned for...
Marvel Officially Has a Brand New Sorcerer Supreme – And She Is …
2024年12月4日 · Marvel's new Ultimate Universe has finally given fans a glimpse of what its Sorceress Supreme is capable of - and she is terrifying.
Inan (Earth-6160) | Marvel Database | Fandom
The identity of the woman who holds the title of Sorcerer Supreme of Earth-6160 is shrouded in mystery, as is her background. She was captured in 2021 and held prisoner in a facility under the control of H.A.N.D. , hidden from public view somewhere in Eastern Europe , and apparently subjected to regular torture at the hands of hired doctors ...
Marvel Reveals Codename of New Sorcerer Supreme, & It's So …
2024年11月30日 · For years in Marvel Comics, the title of Sorcerer Supreme has been synonymous with Doctor Strange, but now, that is no longer the case, especially in Marvel’s new Ultimate Universe continuity of Earth-6160.
Marvel Debuts Its New Sorcerer Supreme, Replacing Doctor …
2024年10月3日 · Teased in Ultimate Black Panther’s previous issues and solicitations, the first appearance of the new Sorcerer Supreme offers a creepy and nightmarish display of their mysterious abilities
Marvel Reveals New Sorcerer Supreme That's Not Doctor Strange ...
2024年12月1日 · Inan, the Ultimate Sorcerer Supreme, takes on the nickname of Godkiller as she offers Black Panther her services in order to defeat Moon Knight. Inan joins a growing number of established...
Marvel’s Ultimate Universe Just Set Up a New Doctor Strange
2024年9月11日 · Killmonger and Storm are looking for the Sorcerer Supreme in Ultimate Black Panther #8. Who will be the Ultimate Universe’s Doctor Strange?
Doctor Voodoo (Marvel) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Dr. Jericho Drumm, also known as Brother Voodoo and later as Doctor Voodoo, is a character and superhero from Marvel comics. He is a supernatural champion skilled in communicating with the dead. His late twin brother's spirit is fused with his own.
Sorcerer Supreme (Character) - Comic Vine
The Sorcerer Supreme of Earth-6160 ... Ultimate Black Panther. 5 appearances; Sorcerer Supreme last edited by SlamAdams on 11/27/24 12:30PM ...
Ultimate Black Panther #10 Comic Review
2024年11月27日 · Ultimate Black Panther #10, by Marvel Comics on 11/27/24, confirms T’Challa has dreams. Meanwhile, the Ultimate Sorcerer Supreme flexes her magical muscles at her pursuers.