The first Panther destroyed in Italy - Axis History Forum
2005年5月3日 · The tank belonged to Pz.Brig. 105 and was commanded by OLt Crisandt, commanding officer of 1./ Pz.Abt. 2105, on 20.09.1944. Therefore the call-sign of the tank should have been 101 but some time ago I found out that he …
Interesting Panther tank photos-help ID - Axis History Forum
2011年1月6日 · Re: Interesting Panther tank photos-help ID Post by Panther Arthur » 08 Jan 2011, 15:51 Derka-the Panther in view is a 3rd Company Panther, so it could not be 9th Pz Div II/Pz Rgt 33, the first Abteilung comprising of companies 1-4(you see the 3-3 tactical number-3rd company) and it looks so peaceful-without Allied airstrikes going in ...
Panthers tested in 1944 - Axis History Forum
2020年3月13日 · The study finally acknowledged the likelihood the Panther would be the “principal German armor confronting” American and British forces. The notion they would only be employed in small numbers like the Tiger was finally discarded. It was also noted, "The 75mm tank gun will not penetrate the front of either the Mark V [Panther] or Mark VI ...
Panther: Medium or Heavy Tank? - Axis History Forum
2005年3月4日 · I never said Panther was used as a breakthrough tank, where did you found that? A heavy tank is not necessarily a breakthrough tank. Panther was used like a heavy tank because its sheer weight did not allow it to travel long distances without maintenance hurdles. It was dependent on the rail system, the way Tiger was.
PANTHER 433 - Axis History Forum
2019年3月5日 · The MAN Panther II chassis is known, but where its Panther G turret came from? The Ausf A they retain was either the one captured and shipped from Italy...or from 3./SS-Pz.-Regt. 1 captured at St Barthelemy. Sadly, Aberdeen tested at least a couple postwar to destruction, which is also what apparently happened to at least one of its Tiger II.
Why dis the Germans have so many spare Panther turrets for fixed ...
2021年1月15日 · It was very different from a standard turret - besides a totally new roof it also had a new frontal casting holding the gun mantlet, it didn't have all the sealings for wading (what in Panther was quite advanced - both turret ring and the mantlet were secured against water), it also seems that intercom was taken not from the tank, but from ...
what were the panther tank flaw? - Page 13 - Axis History Forum
2002年5月7日 · Not sure about how reliable these figures are but interesting nevertheless. One of the conclusions of the paper is the familiar "First strike"- meaning that whoever shots first in tank to tank combat usually wins. Also, the typical engagement was one where 3.AD, 4.AD heavily outnumbered the German armor- same observation as the 4.AD piece above.
QF 17 Pounder: Accuracy and Penetration of Panther Tank frontal …
2024年2月16日 · While looking through the WD of 6th Anti Tank Regiment RCA, I found the details of a firepower demonstration organised by 74 battery RCA, a towed 17 Pounder battery. This took place at Bourg Leopold ranges in Belgium on 23 November 1944 in front of observers from tank and anti-tank units from the 1st Canadian and 2nd British Armies.
what were the panther tank flaw? - Page 10 - Axis History Forum
2021年3月18日 · Axis History Forum. This is an apolitical forum for discussions on the Axis nations and related topics hosted by the Axis History Factbook in cooperation with Christian Ankerstjerne’s Panzerworld and Christoph Awender's WW2 day by day.
what were the panther tank flaw? - Page 14 - Axis History Forum
2022年1月4日 · wounded. A short time later the gunner in Panther 423 was wounded. All of the enemy tank attacks were beaten back. Altogether 28 enemy tanks were destroyed. Nine were claimed by Panther 433, six by Panther 422, five each by Panthers 415 and 414, and three by Panther 401. All 28 of these enemy tanks burned immediately. Three additional enemy tanks