PAQ-4C any good? - AR15.COM
2020年11月3日 · If the PAQ-4 had gotten the top mounted fire button like the peq2, it would be a lot more suitable. Nowadays it's pretty much just for the clone guys. One interesting thing of …
An/PAQ-4C - AR15.COM
2019年8月24日 · I bought a box of miscellaneous items from a military surplus store. I found a AN/PAQ-4C inside the box. Also came across a 4 position stock with an N1 buttstock along …
Airsoft vs real PAQ4 photo - AR15.COM
2006年2月18日 · The Infrared Aiming Light is intended for employment with all Marine Corps units equipped with night vision goggles. It is versatile and adaptable to a wide variety of missions …
PAQ4 vs PEQ4? - AR15.COM
2010年6月7日 · I think a good bit of the confusion that's come around is the fact that while many troops consider the AN/PAQ-4C and AN/PEQ-2A to be functionally identical (nevermind that …
PAQ-4: Still worth anything? - AR15.COM
2014年2月19日 · Class I OTAL is the 21st century version of the PAQ-4C, with smaller size, more rugged housing, better mount, and half the price that you mention....brand spanking new with …
What's a good price for an unissued AN/PAQ-4C? - AR15.COM
2019年9月29日 · A guy offered me an unissued AN/PAQ-4C for 550. It's a complete kit still in the case with all the accessories. Also, what is the demand for that kind of thing? Most of the …
2011年2月9日 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.
INfrared Aiming light AN/PAQ-4C - AR15.COM
2014年5月14日 · This is the 21st century version of the 4C: Class I OTAL Same 0.7 mW power, smaller, more rugged housing, QD, warranty, and no worries about legal issues. 4C's really …
How to tell if a PAQ-4c is real or not? - AR15.COM
2006年1月14日 · I have used plenty of PAQ-4C and PEQ-2s, but never actuly handled the clones. One thing I did notice is that the plug for the remote switch (that kinda tape switch deal) is …
PEQ-2a or NVEC VITAL? Which is better? - AR15.COM
2007年1月27日 · 2). The PAQ-4C unit has a fixed beam of IR light while the Vital has (as outlined above has a var. intense beam). As with the Atilla, the Vital also has a selectable switch that …