JIGPARA STANDARD 20, 30 & 40g – Major Craft America
Introducing the remarkable Jigara Standard! Developed in Japan, this iconic jig is a favorite among anglers worldwide. Renowned for its superior casting distance and versatility, this high-performance jig adapts seamlessly to various fishing conditions and techniques.
Amazon.com: Jigpara
Tungsten Jig Jigpara Tactical TG 1.8 oz (50 g), 4.3 oz (120 g), 5.3 oz (150 g), 6.3 oz (180 g)
JIGPARA STANDARD 50 & 60g - Major Craft America
Developed in Japan, this iconic jig is a favorite among anglers worldwide. Renowned for its superior casting distance and versatility, this high-performance jig adapts seamlessly to various fishing conditions and techniques. For shore fishing, where casting distance is crucial, the Jigara Standard's compact body excels.
Major Craft Lures Metal Jig para Micro Slim - amazon.com
2018年11月23日 · Amazon.com : Major Craft JPMSL-1.5#17 KEIMURA (UV) SHIRASU Metal Jig, 0.05 oz (1.5 g) : Sports & Outdoors
JIGPARA TUNGSTEN 100g-250g - Major Craft America
The higher-density jig drops faster and minimizes scoping in the fast current so you can maintain direct contact. Tungsten also transmits high-pitch vibrations better than lead so you can immediately detect structure or a strike.
Major Craft Jigpara Tungsten Vertical Casting Jigs
The Major Craft Jigpara Tungsten Vertical Casting Jigs are designed to conquer deep waters and strong currents with ease. These heavy tungsten jigs minimize drag and surface area, ensuring a vertical presentation that is crucial when fishing in challenging conditions.
Major Craft Jigpara Metal Jig Lure, Tungsten, Live Bait Color
2020年4月23日 · This little jig packs a punch! When fishing deep lakes or when the bait fish are micro sized JP-TG Micro will get it done. With a density of 1.74x heavier than lead, TG jigs are remarkably smaller in profile. This jig casts farther and more accurately than any other on the market, truly like a bullet!
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Major Craft Jigpara Vertical Tungsten Jigs – Tackle World
Minimize your profile and scope with the heavy JP-TG models for dropping deep or when the current is ripping. Decrease drag and surface area to maintain vertical presentation. Pull out your secret weapon to entice that strike when large profile jigs can't get a bite.
Major Craft Jigpara TG Vertical (Tungsten) - Tyalure Tackle
Tungsten is nearly twice as heavy as lead so it gets down to the fish zone fast and allows you to use smaller jigs than the lead versions. Perfect for matching the hatch with matchings conditions such as deeper water or fast currents.
MAJOR CRAFT JIGPARA TG - jjpescasport.com
Zoom: Pasar el cursor por encima de la imagen. Ver la imagen ampliada. MAJOR CRAFT JIGPARA TG. Micro jig de tungsteno. Ref Medida Descripción Precio Cant.