Matthew 20:1-16 NIV - The Parable of the Workers in the - Bible …
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard - “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. He agreed to pay them a …
Matthew 20:1-16 ESV - Laborers in the Vineyard - “For the - Bible …
Laborers in the Vineyard - “For the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. After agreeing with the laborers for a …
Matthew 20,Luke 20,John 20 NIV - The Parable of the Workers in …
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard. 20 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay them a …
Matthew 20:1-16 NKJV - The Parable of the Workers in the - Bible …
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard - “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. Now when he had agreed with …
Matthew 20:1-16 NRSVUE - The Laborers in the Vineyard - “For
The Laborers in the Vineyard. 20 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. 2 After agreeing with the laborers for a …
Matye 20,Matthew 20 NKJV - The Parable of the Workers in the
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard - “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. Now when he had agreed with …
Matthew 20:1 NIV - The Parable of the Workers in the - Bible …
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard - “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard.
Matthew 20,Mark 10:32-52,Luke 18:31-19:27 NIV - The Parable of …
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard. 20 “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay them a …
Matthew 20,Luke 20,John 20 NKJV - The Parable of the Workers in …
The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard - “For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. Now when he had agreed with …
Parable of the Vineyard Workers - Bible Gateway
Parable of the Vineyard Workers. 20 “For the Kingdom of Heaven is like the landowner who went out early one morning to hire workers for his vineyard. 2 He agreed to pay the normal daily …