PARABOLE definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
2 meanings: rhetoric a simile → a figure of speech that expresses the resemblance of one thing to another of a different.... Click for more definitions.
英文中,省略和椭圆、夸张和双曲线、隐喻和抛物线等修辞和几何 …
A ‘parabole’ is a ‘casting/setting side by side’—using Latin-derived morphs an ‘apposition’ or ‘adjacency’. In rhetoric, it is a comparison, which sets two terms side-by-side; later it denotes a fiction which is ‘set beside’ and parallels (‘lies next to’) reality.
Parabola - Wikipedia
Parabolic compass designed by Leonardo da Vinci. The earliest known work on conic sections was by Menaechmus in the 4th century BC. He discovered a way to solve the problem of doubling the cube using parabolas. (The solution, however, does not meet the requirements of compass-and-straightedge construction.)The area enclosed by a parabola and a line segment, the so-called "parabola segment ...
What does parabole mean? - Definitions.net
Definition of parabole in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of parabole. What does parabole mean? Information and translations of parabole in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Strong's Greek: 3850. παραβολή (parabole) -- Parable, …
Usage: In the New Testament, "parabole" refers to a simple account used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson, as told by Jesus in the Gospels. Parables are a distinctive teaching method employed by Jesus to convey profound truths in a relatable and memorable way.
Le 42 Parabole di Gesù nei Vangeli - Custodire Puro Amore
34 Tutte queste cose Gesù disse alle folle con parabole e non parlava ad esse se non con parabole, 35 perché si compisse ciò che era stato detto per mezzo del profeta: Aprirò la mia bocca con parabole, proclamerò cose nascoste fin dalla fondazione del mondo. Audio lettura del brano e Spiegazione della parabola
Parabole — Wikipédia
La parabole est la trajectoire décrite par un objet qu'on lance, si l'on peut négliger la courbure de la Terre, le frottement de l'air (vent, ralentissement de l'objet par sa traînée aérodynamique) et la variation de la gravité avec la hauteur [4].
Parabola — Википедија
Osa parabole je paralelna sa osom imajući maksimum (tačka V) na osi . Parabola u Dekartovom koordinatnom sistemu usmerena ka negativnom delu ose x Temena jednačina: = Parametarska jednačina:
Parabole (mathématiques): définition, équation, éléments, …
2023年7月10日 · Une parabole est une courbe ouverte, ou en d’autres termes, elle est constituée de deux branches sans points communs qui s’étendent de façon illimitée. Chaque parabole a un axe de symétrie unique, où se trouve le sommet de ladite parabole.
Parábola en literatura (características y ejemplos)
Una parábola (del griego parabolé, “comparación”) es un relato breve de carácter didáctico, en el que, a través de una situación ficticia, se transmite una enseñanza moral o espiritual.La mayor parte de las veces la enseñanza está implícita, pero …